Tuesday, December 27, 2011

From Russia With Love (1963)

As a young man growing up in the middle of the Cold War, I was told that nothing good came from Russia; that in fact we were at war with them.  Yet, I must thank them for saving the James Bond series…well, them and Austin Powers.  Oh my heck, I could not stop laughing, there was a man in a grey suit with a white cat, a lesbian German female commander call Number 3, a dumb man named number 3, and on, and on.
To make a complicated story short, there were spies, counter-intelligence, blond women, and cold war stereotypes. 
From Russia With Love was substantially better than Dr. No, but in reality that is not much of a compliment.  Now bring on Goldmember, I mean Goldfinger.

The Kennedy's - 8 part TV miniseries (2011)

I came across this on instant Netflix and I was hooked after one episode. I am now on episode 4. I went through the JFK library and muesuem last May. I have read some about him and the story follows everything I have read. 1. His father wanted all of his kids in politics and pushed on all of them to do so. 2. Bobby was the brain behind JFK. 3. JFK was never faithful to his wife Jacky- he was a player.

The acting is great and not easy to pull off because anyone watching this series already has a perception of what JFK and Jackie would by like.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

My Favorite Wife (1940)

Irenne Dunn and Cary Grant starred in 3 movies together, this is the first one I have seen. It is a romantic comedy in which my wife gave it 4 stars and I gave it 2.5 stars. Grant plays Mr. Nick Arden. Mr. Arden lost his wife at sea 7 years ago, or so he thought. On the day he marries his new wife (Bianca Bates played by Gail Patrick) he finds out his first wife is not dead after all. The first wife (Dunn) is Mrs. Ellen Arden and she was shipwrecked on an island for 7 years with a very handsome man.

The movie is fun but predictable. Mr. Arden must decide for himself which lady to stay with and whether to believe his first wife that she and Mr. Handsome didn't do anything wrong on the island together for 7 years!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Marjorie Morningstar (1958)

Is there anything Gene Kelly can't do? This is a 3 star movie that I am going to give 4 solid stars to instead - unorthodox yes- but easily explainable none the less. The last star is for the lasting impression the movie had on me- it wasn't entertainment washing me over like a warm shower. It stuck. It made me think. It was applicable to life. It is what a movie should be and sadly just isn't anymore.

Natalie Wood delivers what you would expect from her at this time in her life (20 years old and already a Hollywood star). She is beautiful and a very believing actress. The story is fabulous. Natalie Wood plays Marjorie Morgenstern- a typical debutant who falls in love in high school but decides rather than get married she needs to find herself first. She needs to explore yet keep her Christian values including remaining a virgin until marriage.

She heads off to college and then her best friend convinces her to be a drama teacher at a kids summer camp. Enter Gene Kelly who plays Noel Airman. Gene is a 33 year old who has already plateaued with success. He is what he is. He is a song writer and a hopeful playwright. He can dance, act and direct. Every 18 year old girl who wants to go into theatre would love him, and Marjorie is no exception. Noel works as the camp theatre director. He didn't follow the life his parents wanted him too, in fact he changed the spelling of his last name so that people wouldn't know his father was a respectful Judge. He sees Margorie and immediately sizes her up for his next love affair and nothing more than that. He calls her Marjorie Morningstar and the name sticks.

The rest of the movie is about real life. Can a person really change who they are in order to please the other person? How many times can you fall in and out of love with the same person? When we love someone do we really love them for who they are or do we love them for who we think that they are, or who we really want them to be. Is it true that two people in love may not be good for each other? Can you accept someone for what they are even if it is less than what everyone wants for you?

This is actually a great movie because there is a lot to think about after the show ends. If you are a Natalie Wood or Gene Kelly fan then you should watch this. It was fun to see Ed Wynn in this movie, you will recognize him from Marry Poppins.

Attached is the best dance scene from the movie.

Dr. No (1962)

“Bond, James Bond.”  When Sean Connery first said this I turned to my wife and said, “Man that is sexy.”  I was sold on the whole James Bond series, but unfortunately the remaining 90 minutes of the show continued to play, and it was a painful watch! 
My dad warned me that some of the early Bond movies were campy, but I couldn’t have imagined this amazingly long series starting off so horribly.  I watched a spy movie warp itself into a bad remake of Enter the Dragon.
Oh kill me now, and think, I have committed to the remaining 23 shows.  One star, and that is just for the theme song.  Les Bad movie!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

The barefoot contessa (1954)

The Scarlet Pimpernel I gave 4 stars. I was scared to watch this movie because I was coming off a great movie. Well guess what- fate was in my hands and it ended up being two fantastic movies in a row. This one gets 3.5 stars from me.

Humphrey Bogart and Ava Gardner star in this film, which is shot in color and believe me that is rare for 1954.

Ava plays Maria Vargas- a nobody Spainard who entertains drunkards at local saloons in Spain. Bogart plays Harry Dawes, who is a washed up movie director and happens to be on a world tour with Mr. Billionaire Kirk Edwards- who will go to no expense when it comes to finding the next major hollywood movie star. But it is Dawes not Edwards that is able to charm Vargas into coming to America.

The movie is played backwards- it starts at Vargas' funeral and then Dawes tells the story of her life. What is interesting is you don't know how she dies until the very end of the show and boy was I suprised.

Joseph L. Mankiewicz does a fanstastic job directing this movie. As I read up on Ava Gardner I realized that the characater she plays is actually similar to her own life. Just a nice pleasant film that makes me more of a Bogart fan than I already was. I cannot find a great trailer for this one.

The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982)

Anthony Andrews and Jane Seymour absolutely nail this classic perfectly. I was laughing out loud at how Andrews was playing the character of Sir Percy. I am going to read the book now and I think this is the show I am going to audition for in 2012.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Something new...

...I am on a mission to watch all of the JAmes Bond movies from 1 - 23.  I have never seen any of them, so this should be interesting.  Dr. No begins tonight.

Monday, December 12, 2011

2 movies I couldn't handle

I am exploring which play I want to try out for in 2012 at Centerpointe theatre in Centerville, so I ordered Little Women (1994) and The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982) off of netflix to see if I like any of these stories.

I made it 1 hour into Little Women and I just couldn't handle how boring it was. I can't believe this is a top selling novel that has transcended generations of time. Susan Surrandon, Kristen Dunst, Clara Daines, Wyonna Rider, and Christain Bale do an okay job but the story is just drab.

I also only made it 1 hour into "That Touch of Mink" a 1962 romantic comedy starring Cary Grant and Doris Day. After 30 min I was looking for anything sharp in the room so that I could take that object and either poke my eye with it or slash my wrist. Horrible acting. Horrible script. Horrible editing. My goodness people.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

RIP Harry Morgan, April 10th, 1915 – December 7th, 2011

The Muppets (2011)

I have always loved the Muppets, but have not been a fan of too many of their more recent movies.  This show will fix all of that for me because they go back to their roots and draw from the magic of the Muppet Movie and the Muppet TV Show.  All of the usual suspects are in this show, including plenty of cameos.  The two human leads are Jason Segel and Amy Adams.

The storyline is essentially the Muppets getting back together to save their old TV studio.  We went with our kids to see this show and it was magical to share that time with them.  This show is fun for the whole family, and will eventually make it into my collection.  4 out of 5 for me, simply because there were a couple lulls in the action.

Super 8 (2011)

Imaging ET meets the Goonies with a super 8 camcorder and you have this movie.  I had heard rave reviews about how well this show recreates some of the great Steven Spielburg movies of the 1980s, and it did not disappoint.  For me though it fell apart with the ending…it wrapped up to easily.  It felt like they wrote this great movie but just kind of threw on an ending when they got to that point.

Please be aware that the language is annoyingly off of the charts, so this is not a younger family friendly movie.  Just 2 and a half, because the end of the show was weak.  Trust me I loved this show until the last twenty minutes.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Born To Be Bad (1934)

I really enjoyed this script, it had a lot of potential to be a great movie!

A young Cary Grant plays Malcom Trevor a rich CEO who has everything in life except for a child. His wife is infertile.

A young and beautiful Loretta Young plays Letty Strong, a tough night club singer who has learned that in order to be successful in life you have to lie, cheat and steal. Unfortunately she has taught her 7 year old "Mickey" that this is the best way to live your life. Letty had Mickey when she was only 15 years old. An older man named Fuzzy took her into his home for a few years until she could get back on her feet. I only mention Fuzzy because it is the first time I have seen actor Henry Travers in any other role besides the angel Clarence in Its a Wonderful Life.

This 60 min movie is really kind of flat, I give it 2 stars. Young is the star not Grant. Grant is still learning how to act in this one. Young loses her child to the court system because she is unfit to be a mother. She tries to seduce Grant in a dirty scheme to win back her child, but in the end she realizes that her child is best left to be raise by Grant and his wife. I could not find a trailer for this one on youtube.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Morning Glory (2010)

Great script, great actors (Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton, and Rachel McAdams), but a horrible job in directing and producing this movie. 1 star for me. My wife and I watched this one together.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Breaking Wind (I mean Breaking Dawn, Part 1) (2011)

Our All State insurance agent bought out a screening of this movie for 200 of his best clients, that is the only reason I went to this movie. Listen, I had a Vasectomy the day before I went to this movie with my wife and would have given anything to get out of going but it was to no avail. The acting was on the better side of horrible, the story is there but the acting and dialogue is not.  Tell me this...if a room full of grown married men cried out cat calls when the young 18 year old male takes his shirt off we would get divorced, where is the equality there I ask you.
Do not go to this movie unless you owe your wife a huge favor!!!!  Turkey.

The Red Baron (2008)

This was a pathetic attempt to portray the incredible story of the WWI flying ace the Red Baron. The acting and storyline were off the charts bad, with poor editing of timelines and events. The only saving grace was the incredible flying scenes. 1 1/2 stars for the flying only.

Monday, November 21, 2011

There's No Business Like Show Business

It is difficult for me to give 1.5 stars to a movie starring Donald O'Connor, but I have too. O'Connor has got to be one of the best actors/dancers on the big screen of all time. I felt like they had an okay script for this show and then found a way to squeeze Marilyn Monroe into the movie. It felt forced and didn't work for me. The music was great but the picture didn't have any linear movement in it. Too choppy and unorganized.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Majestic (2001)

Just to be up front, I am not a Jim Carrey fan; I have enjoyed some of his crazier movies, but overall I am not a fan of his untamed behaviors and portrayals on the screen.  This movie changed my perception on him.  The film is set during the 1951 inquisition of the Hollywood scene, clamming they were all communists.  Peter Appleton (Carrey) is no exception.  After he gets blacklisted, he goes for a ride, gets in a car wreck and gets amnesia.
He stumbles into a quiet little town in California and begins to change the town and it people.  I do not want to say too much as to give away the whole story, but I adore this movie and everything it stood for.  Jim Carrey was completely under control and well acted.  Is this the greatest movie ever made?  No, but I will watch it again when the opportunity arises 4.5 out of 5.
<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/QHZldxzY1h0?version=3&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/QHZldxzY1h0?version=3&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Reluctant Dragon (1941)

Robert Benchley (played by himself) is told by his wife to go to the Walt Disney studios to pitch a new cartoon idea to Walt Disney himself.  Reluctantly Robert agrees to take on this task.  After receiving a pass at the front gate Robert is met by a Boy Scout-esque young man named Humphrey (Buddy Pepper).  It did not take long to understand that there are many wonderful things to see and experience at the studios, so at every opportunity Robert ditches Humphrey. 
Robert gets a personal tour of the drawing school, with real life models; watch how they do sound effects with recording devises; he learns the methods of a story board; he gets to watch them mix paints, and build clay models for the animators.  During this last stop of the clay model studio there are some shots of a naked female centurion, which will come back later in the show (??!).
Eventually Humphery catches Robert and escorts him into a viewing room with Mr. Walt Disney himself.  They sit down and view a new cartoon.  Come to find out, it is the cartoon that Robert came to pitch to Walt called the Reluctant Dragon.  (Finally, a cartoon, which was an entertaining short film itself.)
The Reluctant Dragon movie was a quick filler for the Disney Studios as the world headed into a second world war, it was a commercial disaster at the time because the public felt cheated with such a short cartoon, instead of the likes of Dumbo or Bambi which were to proceed and follow this film.

X-Men: First Class (2011)

Yet another Marvel Comic Book that has been brought to life by real actors.  James MaAvoy played a young Charles Xavier, while Michael Fassbender played Magneto.  Charles came from American weather and experience while on the other hand Magneto was born and raised in the ghettos of Poland.  Magneto gained his hatred from the hands of evil Nazis; Charles gained his love and patience from Oxford University.
Neither man knew that the other existed, or that there were other mutants but when the US government needed help it became apparent that they were not alone.  Almost single handedly they stopped the Cuban Missile Crisis, and WWIII.  I was pleasantly surprised to see Kevin Bacon playing the Nazi villain; but mostly I loved learning the back story of many of the more popular mutants and X-men.
I have said it before, but I do love to watch these comic book movies and this was probably one of the best I have seen in a long time.  Watch for a brief cameo by Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.  4 stars for me.

Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

Sorry Audrey- I tried really hard to get into this movie and I couldn't take it anymore after the first 60 minutes- so I just turned it off.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Was a Male War Bride (1949)

This is a fun 3 star comedy starring Cary Grant and Ann Sheridan. Sheridan holds her own and in my opinion actually out acts Grant. I love their chemistry and the script was just fun.

Grant plays a captain in the french army who falls in love with a captian in the American army. Of course there is a fine line between love and hate!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Walk, Don't Run (1964)

I am neither a brain scientist or a rocket surgeon, but my guess is that Cary Grant was never a fan of the hit song by Vanessa Williams titled "Save the Best for Last". Walk Don't Run was Grant's last film. He retired relativley young for an actor - at the age of 60 and he lived the last 22 years of his life in "retirement".

There are some bright spots of the film- there is an innocence about it that is enjoyable. We just don't make movies like this one anymore. It may be cute but it is simply just a bad movie. 1.5 stars at best. Definatley not one that Grant would want to end on.

It was the first Samantha Eggar and Jim Hutton movie for me- and I liked both of them. Hutton, according to IMDB, was supposed to be the next Jimmy Stewart. The problem with that is Stewart lived to be 150 and made 123 movies. Hutton died young of cancer at the age of 45. He didn't even live long enough to see his 20 year old son Timohty Hutton win an oscar in the Robert Redford movie "Ordinary People". Timothy Hutton still hold the record for the youngest person to win an oscar- according to IMDB.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

John Adams (2008)

I realize that this is on your list already, but I have just finished watching it (I took advantage of a sick day to complete it, stupid cold and flu).  Paul G. was incredible as John Adams as we watched him transform the actual person through several famous incidents in history.  The chemistry that Paul and Laura Linney (Abigail) shared on the screen was mesmerizing.  I actually cried when she died.
This was a brilliant display of history, thank you for the recommendation.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Monkey Business (1952)

Cary Grant stars as Dr. Barnaby Fulton, and absent minded research chemist. He is employed by a company who is trying to invent a miracle drink that will allow people to capture the fountain of youth and become a younger version of themselves. Of course it is one of the monkeys in the lab that actually finds the right formula- not Dr. Fulton.

Charles Coburn plays Oliver Oxley, who is Dr. Fulton's boss. Mr. Oxley's secretary is none other than Marilyn Monroe who plays a very flirtatious and air headed Ms. Lois Laurel. Ginger Rogers plays Dr. Fulton's wife- and really had no business even being in a movie, I just didn't think she did that well. This movie was made before Monroe was a huge star but you could see for sure her beauty and her knack for the camera in this film.

This movie is a really funny for about 20% of the time and falls flat on its face the other 80%. The parts I enjoyed were watching the adult actors pretend to be teenagers again after they took the magic potion. If you are in a really silly mood you might like it, but otherwise you better off cleaning out the garage for the evening. 2 stars for me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

People Will Talk (1951)

Cary Grant & Jeanne Crain star in this movie. Actually you can't really call it a movie. It is more like a one act play that somebody turned into a movie to make some money. I only fell asleep 4 times. The plot was just strange. The message in the last 10 minutes was noteworthy but not entertaining.

As humans we are all creatures of habit. We do not see the world as it is, we see the world as we see it. When we meet someone who is different, we think they are weird. That in a nutshell sums up this movie. Grant plays a physician who is different than other doctors. Some people can't accept that, but really it is what makes our world unique. We need the individualism. We should embrace others instead of talking about them. 2 stars for me.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Big Lebowski (1998)

"Dude" Lebowski (Jeff Bridges) is mistaken for a millionaire who shares his same name, and gets caught up in restitution plot against the said millionaire.  The thugs attack the Dude at the beginning of the film and pee on his rug.  From there the plots of the Dude go down hill to regain vengeance against such horrific acts against him.  Egged on by his bowling buddy (John Goodman) the vengeance is finally gained.

This is a GREAT Coen brothers film!!!!  I love the way that these brothers are able to create and establish characters simply through the dialogue that they have with each other.  Be warned that there is profanity, drug use, and brief nudity throughout this movie, but I was laughing out loud (late at night) watching this movie.

Jeff Bridges and John Goodman, supported by Steve Buscemi and Philip Seymour Hoffman were incredible!!!  Well worth the watch.  This movie is not child or wife friendly movie (it is a Coen brothers film :) )  Four and a half stars for me on this one.


Across the Wide Missouri (1951)

Clark Gable and Ricardo Montalban what were you thinking?  I could only make it into about 25 minutes of this horrible show!!!  Do not waste your time.  For kicks and giggles here is the trailer...crap, it is blocked, oh well, it sucked as well.

The Spirit of St. Louis (1957)

This was another fine movie directed by Billy Wilder, with an excellent support of lead actor James Stewart. Everybody knows the history of Charles Lindbergh and his attempt to fly solo across the Atlantic non-stop. The performances by the actors were fine, and the effects were good for that era, but the movie was very flat and dull.
From a historical point of view it gives a good outline of the events of the flight and the leading up to the flight, but it ends abruptly after he lands the plane. The final shots of the ticker-tape parade for Linbergh was interesting but only lasted for about ten seconds. This movie was interesting but not entertaining, just two stars.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

House of Strangers (1949)

I added this to my Netflix instant line up because it had Edward G. Robinson in it. What I didn't know is I would finish the movie a new fan of Susan Hayward, and actress I was not familiar with. She stole the show and made the movie worth watching. It is a 3 star noir film at best. The trailer gives you an idea about the show- the script was okay and it was entertaining.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Front Page (1974)

Funny that you just posted that thing about Wilder. This is a Wilder directed movie and it stars Jack Lemmon and Walter Mathhua. A young Susan Sarandon and Carol Burnett also co star. There is a lot of swearing in this one. I give it 1.5 stars, it made me laugh a couple of times but it really wasn't worth watching.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jack Lemon on Billy Wilder

Double Indemnity

Thanks Ryan!!! This was a great movie. I will agree that Barbara Stanwyck was the weakest link to this movie. Personally I have fallen in love with most of Billy Wilder's movies. He is a great and imaginative writer and director.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Thief of Bagdad (1924)

I love silent films!!! The actors are able to project imagery and story with their eyes and jesters sometimes better than regular "talkie" actors can. During the late 20's and early 30's you can see that actors had a difficult time transitioning between silent and sound films because they countinued to act with their bodies and not their mouths.
I was watching a documentary on one of the public channels the other night and the spoke about this Douglas Fairbanks classic, and they showed clips of the flying carpet scene; I knew then that I had to see this show. Now picture with me the Disney classic Aladdin, and you now have the storyline.
Another thing I like about silent films is that they depended on LARGE sets to paint a picture, and this set was enourmous. The imagery was amazing, and the effects were ten years before their time. I would recommend seeing this film (watch it in segments if you have to), the one draw back is that it is 2 1/2 hours long.

Double Indemnity (1944)

This is just what the doctor ordered. I have been very busy lately and tired at night which means I haven't watched a movie for a few nights. Then I sunk my teeth into this gem last night and loved every second of it. This movie was nominated for 5 Oscars, and is on TIME Magazine and AFI's top 100 movie list.

Talk about an amazing script. I loved how the writer and director (Billy Wilder) of this movie had the characters talking about other things but really they are meaning something else. It is one of my favorite things in a movie. For example if a character says "what time is the mailman coming" really they are saying "what time are we going to dinner". I know it sounds cheesy but it makes a big difference when the script is this good.

5 stars. Loved the entire movie. Edward G. Robinson has always been in my top 10 list of favorite actors. Fred McMurray plays a role that I am not used to seeing him in, and he nailed it. Barbara Stanwyck did a good job, but not great. If it doens't make my top 100 it will be because of her role. I am still thinking about it.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Malcolm X (1992)

This is a lengthy bio-epic of the famed civil rights leader Malcolm X, played by Denzel Washington. It follows the life of Malcolm X from his youth as a jazz era pimp-style care-free criminal, all the way up through his assassination. A ton of material is covered and explained in flashback thoughts and ideas, which at times become confusing and disorienting.
For me, this is the first Spike Lee film I have seen, and I did not really appreciate how he tried to shove his message down my throat. I understand many aspects of the 1960’s civil rights movements, and can garner my own opinions without a film-maker forcing them upon me. I felt that the editing and direction were choppy; case-in-point would be the opening credits showing the Rodney King beating.
I am not sure how true to history this movie was, it had some good theatrical elements, but I only enjoyed it as a history lesson, nothing more. Normally, I fall all over Denzel Washington’s performances, but I could not see past him in this movie. Sadly, and realistically, this film had a ton of anxiety, sadness, and hatred. For three and a half hours, that is a long haul. Only two stars for me on this one.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Caine Mutiny (1954)

This movie is in color which really suprised me. I had to see this one because I really have gotten into Humphrey Bogart movies this past year. He did not dissapoint me. What I liked about this one is how it is different than other mutiny movies. Most are about a corrupt and power hungry skipper that the crew takes over- this one is about a man who served his country well, became the captain, and then started to suffer from paranoia. There are some recognizable faces, but a lot of new ones for me in this one.

The movie is great for showing the audience that some decisoins are difficult to make, even if they are right. And you have to follow your gut even if it means getting in trouble. The last 5 min of the movie just makes for a fantastic ending. I thought it was over, but they added some really cool stuff that left you thinking. 3.5 stars for me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Invisible Man (1933)

Halloween season is upon us, so I have brought all of my Universal Monster Movies out of the closet for seasonal viewing. I love these movies because they depend on story instead of gore and visual gross-outs. In fact the psychological aspects terrify me to death.

Last night the boys and I watched this little gem from 1933. The visual effects were very well done for such an early period of movie making. Claude Rains(!!!!!) plays the mad scientist who dedicates most of his professional career looking for a formula that makes a person invisible. He succeeds, and must now find an antidote. During this time he goes mad and begins to scheme of ways to find total control of the world. Of all of the Universal Monster Movies I have this one is probably one of my favorites due to the special effects that can be seen from such an early age of film making.

Few of these films have and or will make it onto my list, but it does satisfy a guilty pleasure of mine to get spooked during the month of October.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Airport '77 (1977)

I can just see the writer and director sitting down in a smoke filled room saying "okay we've got the crappy script and we need some Hollywood stars in the film otherwise this movie is going to flop- um how about an aging Jimmy Stewart... perfect- and how about Jack Lemmon. Great. Lets also through in a couple of Oscar winners in Lee Grant and George Kennedy. Perfect- now it should work".

The movie doesn't work. The first 60 min results in the worst disaster movie I have ever seen. They try and develop the characters but it is so SLOW! It feels like a 1970's Posiden movie but worse. I held on knowing that eventually the movie would turn into what the trailer said it would- a plane that crashes in the Bermuda triangle and is sitting on the ocean floor waiting for the US Navy to rescue the passengers. I just couldn't take it anymore so I turned it off.

My wife begged me to watch the rest so we could see what happened, so I turned it back on. The last 30 min was actually pretty cool- but this is still a bad movie.

Monday, October 10, 2011

17 Miracles (2011)

One of those movies that everyone said at work "you have to see this". Yes it is a good reminder to be grateful for what the Mormon pioneers went through, absolutley, but did I learn anything new by this movie? No. Was it a great movie? Yes- only if you have never heard of the Willie handcart company and are learning this for the first time. 2.5 stars for me.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Buck (2011)

You were right about this one- incredible. Both my wife and I loved it. It is not very often that I turn off a movie or a documentary and say to myself- that movie makes me want to be a better person. It was inspiring. Thanks for telling me about it.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Morituri (1965)

Any movie staring Marlon Brando and Yul Brynner is destined for greatness. Well maybe. A good script and excellent scene shooting would help matters even more. The first 10 min of this movie had me completley hooked. It is just that feeling that film buffs get when they think they are going to love a show.

I loved the dead pan humor from Brando as he is being blackmailed by a British Officer. I loved the set up. Two ego's on one ship, we all know there is only room enough for one. Everything was going perfectly...

Somewhere in the middle of the movie I felt this 5 star movie slip to a 2.5 star movie. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but it happened. A few pschzophrenic turns by the director and the writer had me confused on what the main story of the movie was.

I loved the acting done by the beutuful Janet Margolin who I had seen in a couple of other movies (she died young at age 50 of cancer). Some of the support charcters were weak. The ending was just weird. If you are a Brando or Brynner fan it is worth watching- otherwise I would skip it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Help (2011)

This is a great movie about the 1960s house maids in Jackson Mississippi. The actresses were wonderful and well deservant of Oscar nods. This will not make my list but I will give it a solid 5 stars. You will hate being a white person; but the movie sure does make you think.

All The Kings Men (1949)

I haven't seen the remake (2006) starring Sean Penn, but I have always wanted to see this original which scored an Oscar for best film, best actor and best actress.

3.5 stars for me. Entertaining- yes. Incredible- no. There is some wonderful acting but I wouldn't have given this film best picture.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Guessing Game...

I made it through 2 hours of a 3 hour WWII movie last night as I was doing my ironing. I want you to try and guess the name of the movie.

Here is a list of people in the show- Anthony Hopkins, Gene Hackman, Michael Caine, Sean Connery, James Cann, Laurence Olivier, Robert Redford (small part), Ryan O'Neal, & Elliott Gould (oceans 11 series).

I love the battle sequences, perhaps some of the best I have seen. For a PG movie I am not sure why they would have used the F word 3 times so far in the movie.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

A great cast - all of which I have seen in several other movies- Sinatra, Lansberry, Leigh and Harvey. I watched this one because you had it on your top 100. I give it 4 solid stars. Well done by all actors involved and the director and producer. I really enjoyed this one. I don't think I will put it on my top 100 but it was great.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Finally got around to watching this one as a family, we had never seen it before. 2 stars at best. Next up for me is the Manchurian Candidate (which you recommended). By the way you have Toy Story 3 listed twice on your top 100 list.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Illusionist (2010)

“A French illusionist finds himself out of work and travels to Scotland, where he meets a young woman. Their ensuing adventure changes both their lives forever.” (http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi996383001/)
This cartoon was brilliantly made by Sylvain Chomet (Director) and Jacques Tati (screenplay). It is a French feature length animation that was nominated for best animation in 2011.
There is not much to say about this film. It is not a Disney film, but the animation is stunning. There was very little dialogue, and to be honest it was not needed. The music and animation told a wonderful story of friendship and life. This is a film that must be (cautiously, it is rated PG) experienced by all people. My only drawback of watching this with my kids was the smoking (it did allow for a good conversation with the kids though on what is good and what is bad).
I LOVED THIS MOVIE!! 5 Stars, and it will find a place on my top 100.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Next up The Illusionist (L'illusionniste (original title)). This was nominated for the 2011 Oscar for best animated film, and I have been waiting a long time to see this. Some reviews say that it is better than Toy Story 3. I am very excited, and I hope not to be disappointed.

The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

Mathew Damon plays an up and coming political star, David Norris, for the state of New York, but fate and destiny would have it another way. There is a force of mysterious people who are making sure that life follows the road map that it is destined for, and does not have any detours along the way. Well, one day Norris’ life did take a detour and he ran into a young love interest Ellse. For the next hour (our time) they are kept apart and moved around by these mysterious men.
This was going to be a solid 4 star movie for me, but the director got in the way of the story and wrapped the movie up too neatly. It was an interesting watch, and was well acted but in the end it was only a weak 3 star movie.

Thor (2011)

Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is the arrogant son of the God of Asgard. During his ceremony to become king, the sworn enemies of Asgard disrupt the ceremony. Thor takes it upon himself to exact revenge upon the enemy by breaking the truce they have together and inciting war upon them. When the king of Asgard (Anthony Hopkins) discovers this problem he banishes Thor to Earth.
On Earth Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) is a scientist studying some storm phenomena’s, and chances upon the worm hole that Thor is traveling through. She runs into him, and takes him to the hospital for observations. They become friends and she helps him recover his beloved hammer.
Battles ensue between the sworn enemy of Thor and the people of earth, he become good again in the eyes of Asgard and all is right with the world in the end…or is it???
Let me pause here and explain that I truly enjoy the simplicity of comic book themed movies. X-Men, Incredible Hulk, Superman, Iron Man, etc.; they are an easy escape and generally a good popcorn movie. I also am a huge fan of Kenneth Branagh as an actor and director so I am going to be very forgiving for this movie as I give it four stars. I understand that this is just a bridge to the Avengers movie of 2012; the only glairing flaw was the choice of Hopkins as the King of Asgard. It felt as though he was just calling in his performance, which is hard to say for such an incredible actor.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Great Waldo Pepper (1975)

The reviews for this movie were incredible. It was on my list as I am almost done watching all of Redford's movies. I have no idea why I put this one off.

This is a fictional movie that feels like it is based on a true story. The script is wonderful. The flying is even better. It made it on my top 100. What a wonderful few weeks this has been as I have added Rebecca, Amazing Grace, and now this one to my top 100.

I don't want to say anymore about this movie- you just have to watch it.

This movie stars Robert Redford, Bo Svenson, Susan Sarandon, Edward Herrmann, Margot Kidder (Louise Lane in the first Superman).

Monday, September 12, 2011

Every Which Way But Loose (1978)

Philo Beddoe (Clint Eastwood) is a man with a chip on his shoulder. He like drinking, women, and fighting; especially fighting. Given the chance he will fight for money, or just for the heck of it. He owns a Chimp who is his constant companion, and which provides some comical relief. To make a very long story short, it is similar unto Smokey and the Bandit in regards to the tempo and feeling of the film. This was fun to watch once, but probably just a 3 star movie.

Big Trouble in Little China (1986)

Wow the 80’s had good movies and they had bad movies. This one was bad.

Hell is for Heroes (1962)

This is a Don Siegel WWII movie staring Steve McQueen as the rebel American soldier. This is my 20th McQueen movie, and my quest to watch all of his movies is almost over. (He died young at age 50 and his first movie didn't come out until he was in his 20's).

James Coburn and Bob Newhart is the only actor besides McQueen that I knew from other movies. THis is a forgettable show with some great one liners from McQueen. 2 stars.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I am REALLY excited for my next movie which comes on Wednesday. It is called Rebecca. The reviews are excellent. Nominated for many Oscars. The only film of Alfred Hitchcock's to win best picture. Have you seen this one?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Funny Girl (1968)

Barbara Streisand plays the energetic young Jewish woman Fanny Brice who is very egger to break into show business. Through her antics she gets noticed by a young gambler Nick Arnstein, played by Omar Sharif. Arnstein introduces Brice to Florenz Ziegfeld and in time she gets a roll in the coveted Ziegfeld Follies. Overtime they fall in love, and the show goes downhill from there.
Yes this movie has some memorable songs such as, People, and Don’t Rain on My Parade. There is a memorable line, “Hello Gorgeous,” but the title of the film is misleading do to the lack of funny scenarios. Of course there are a few funny lines or shots, but as a whole the movie is unmemorable and very forgettable. I will never waste my time with this show again.

She won an Oscar for this? Yuck!

Watch the trailer, it is the best of the movie.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Amazing Grace (2006)

Thank you for telling me about this one. Incredible. 5 stars and I put it on my top 100 movie list. I love true stories that are well done. This one is perfect.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Apartment (1960)

Jack Lemmon is one of the best comedic actors of all time. Shirley MacLaine is a mesmerizing actress. Perhaps that is what lead to my grandiose expectations of this pic, along with the fact it was nominated for 10 Oscars, and won 5 of them! The film never came around to me, and I am left feeling that I just watched a 2.5 star show.

The movie is a satire, and really pokes fun at the working class- you know all of us 9 to 5ers. There are a couple of lines that made me laugh- things like "how stupid could I be, I should never wear mascara when I am with a married man (this is said as MacLaine is crying an her mascara is running), "My husband is 5'2'' and 99 pounds, kind of like a cute chihuahua".

I struggled with the concept of this script being turned into a motion picture. To me it was a great stage play and nothing more. There isn't enough depth for it to be a 2 hour movie. Everything is predictable, even the humor. The support cast is awful- especially Fred MacMurray's role, which was a big role and he had way too much screen time! Lemmon was solid and MacLaine was the shows star in my opinoin. I was hoping to add this one to my top 100 list but it wasn't even close. Sorry Lemmon, maybe next time. R.I.P.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Le Mans (1971)

BORING.... unless you are a race car driver. Very little dialogue. I only watched it for Steve McQueen. 1 star.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2

I loved the first one, and I loved this one even more.

The China Syndrome (1979)

Jack Lemon, Jane Fonda, Michael Douglas, and Wilford Brimley. Jack Goddell (Lemon) works as a shift manager at the local nuclear power plant. Kimberly Wells (Fonda) is an up and coming news reporter who is touring the plant one day. While watching the activities in the control room a tremor in the earth happens. They were forbidden to take video of the control room at all, but Richard Adams (Douglas) the cameraman secretly takes video of the reactions after the “accident”. Quickly this movie turns very anti-nuclear power, but the movie stayed interesting for me.
Goddell tries to convince his higher authorities at the plant that the plant is not safe to restart because the pumps are not working properly. In an effort to get the word out Wells decides to help him. I cannot say too much about the movie without giving too much of it away.
I loved the use of silence during tense and stressful times, this was done very artfully. Lemon and Fonda were very good in this, but I had issues with Douglas simply because he played too many rolls in creating this film and he pushed the anti agenda of the movie. For me this is a solid 4 star movie, for the period it was tense enough to make it a good thriller. I have heard many people compare this to the Poseidon Adventure in the level of suspense, but this was far better. Worth watching once.

The Front Page (1974)

Jack Lemon, Walter Matthau, Carol Burnett, Susan Sarandon, all play major roles in this dark comedy about a newspaper reporter (Lemon) who falls in love (Sarandon) and decides to leave the business. The problem is that the Editor to the paper (Matthau) will not let him leave before he covers the execution that is taking place that day. There are plenty of funny twists and turns, but this movie is full of language and dark comedy. This is probably my least favorite Carol Burnett film. The one magical aspect of this movie is that you can really feel the friendship between Lemon and Matthau even though they are yelling at each other. 2 stars, it is good if you can catch it on TV but don’t waste your time waiting to see it.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Conversation (1974)

After watching this movie I had to smoke a cigarette so that I could calm down enough to go to sleep. Wow. I have never been on drugs, but this movie made me feel like I was tripping during the last 30 min of the movie. More on that later...

At the end of this month I will be cancelling my netflix instant streaming. So I wanted to find a couple of more instant movies to watch. I came across this Francis Ford Coppola thriller starring Gene Hackman, Harrison Ford, Allan Garfield, Robert Duvall, Teri Garr. That is a little misleading because Garr and Duvall have very small roles. Ford was not a superstar in 1974 but does a great job in his role.

Hackman plays Harry Caul- a man who is socially backwards but is the nations leading private deductive and wiretapper. He can listen to anyone's conversation, anywhere. He is the best and people pay him big money to find out information they need. Put him in a social setting and he is completely lost and has a hard time talking to humans. Just let him tap your phone, then he is comfortable.

The musical score is incredible. The movie is slow and really helps the viewer see what a meticulous man Caul is. Don't touch his stuff, don't question him, just let him work. I don't know if this is really a thriller, it is just a weird movie with some cool scenes. As for the drug reference, the last 30 min is so weird that I was really feeling the twilight zone. 2.5 stars for me and not recommended. By the way- did Hackman ever have hair? My goodness the guy was bald in his 30s.

John Cazale has a role in this movie and died shortly after. He was in a relationship with Meryl Streep at the time of his death but they were not engaged yet.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Conspirator - 2010

There are a lot of things that make me want to root for this film.

1. I believe that the American Film Company was started by Redford, but I could be wrong. Either way it is not one of the big ones, and I love to cheer on the underdog. With a limited budget they were able to pull off a very realistic time piece film.

2. The costumes and props were excellent. I loved the courtroom and how they had light coming through the windows showing dust and dirt in the air. I loved the shots of the towns and seeing what they would look like in the 1860's.

3. Although I liked the actors I had the same problem you did- Robin Wright, Kevin Kline, Tom Wilkinson, Justin Long, and James McAvoy all were very familiar faces and as I was watching the movie I pictured them in other movies which was distracting.

4. I loved the last scene- they really did a nice job setting up the ending of the movie.

I give it 4 solid stars but this will not by on my top 100. I know it made yours and thank you for recommending this movie to me, I really enjoyed it. I think Redford was teaching us more than just what happened to Lincoln. the message to me was loud and clear- when the government wants something they make sure they get it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Suspicion (1941)

Cary Grant and the stunningly beautiful Joan Fontaine star in this Alfred Hitchcock film. Only 2 stars for me. Grant is his usual self, but this one just isn't one of Hitchcock's better films.

Joan falls head over heals for Grant and they elope just days after meeting. She soon finds out that she has married a gambler, liar, and potential killer. He is lazy, doesn't hold a job, and can talk his way out of anything. Or is she just imagining that he is a killer?

Friday, August 12, 2011

I can't wait to see the conspirator, you have it on your top 100 list and it comes out on DVD next week, I have it at the top of my queue.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rachel Rachel (1968)

Joanne Woodward was nominated for an Oscar in this Paul Newman directed film. It has been on my list of movies to watch for about 5 years.

The movie is about a 35 year old single female who teaches Elementary School in New England (Connecticut). Woodward plays this teacher. Her life is about serving her aging mother. Nothing else happens. Boring days followed by more boring days. One day an old school mate comes into town and tries to get Woodward to do something fun for a change. Woodward's character is not only a virgin, she has probably never even kissed a boy before. Her role is one of the most devoted homebody's you would ever meet. She wouldn't dare do anything for herself, just help her mother.

Of course she decides to try new things, and that is really what this movie is about. Can somebody that desolute actually change their lives? The movie moves very slow and although I liked the cinematography, I felt the script was just okay and the movie was very slow at times. Just 2.5 stars for this Newman fan.

comment on forutne cookie

those two are great together- they were best friends in life and are actually buried next to each other in California. How did you watch that movie- it is not on Netflix. Up next for me is an Alfred Hitchcok movie staring Cary Grant called Suspicion. Then it is The Apartment with Jack Lemmon and Shirley Maclaine. A movie I have started before but never finished.

The Fortune Cookie (1966)

Harry Hinkle (Jack Lemon) operates a TV camera for CBS. While filming a play at the Cleveland Browns football game he gets hit and knocked over on the sidelines by Boom Boom Jackson. The hit and subsequent fall causes him to get a mild concussion, but his greasy brother-in-law Willie Gingrich (Walter Matthau) sees the silver lining in this injury, and trumps up a lawsuit against the stadium, the Cleveland Browns, and CBS in the amount of 1 million dollars.

Harry reluctantly goes along with the scheme; he pretends to have crushed vertebrae, double vision, lose of dexterity, etc. The antics and tom-foolery that follows is a treat for the viewer. This is not a great movie, but it is fun to watch. Watch for a young William Christopher (Father Mulchahy from MASH) playing a doctor.

Jack Lemon and Walter Matthau stared in 11 roles together and I have not been disappointed with any of them. Matthau deservedly won his only Oscar for his role in this film.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Soul Surfer (2010)

Watched this with my kids last night, a great message for kids but very boring for adults. Helen Hunt is a horrible actress.

Mad Men

I am really into this TV series right now; all four seasons are on Netflix right now, so I am not watching many movies right now.

Up next for me is Fortune Cookie.

Jeremiah Johnson (1972)

I have started this movie several times but could never get very far into it before I lost all interest in finishing it. This time I was determined to complete the film, and boy am I mixed up inside about this movie.

For me, I enjoyed watching the development of the man, as he became a real mountain man. However, I feel that the show jumped the shark when the rescue party showed up seeking his help. The movie fell off of a cliff and became a 1970s montage of confusion after that. I loved the first half of this show and hated the second half.

This will not make it onto my list, but I do appreciate how much of an effort Robert Redford made in this role. I heard one time that this was the physically hardest movie he was ever in, and it shows, Bravo for that!!! 1 ½ stars

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Prize (1963)

I made it to film #55 on my quest to watch all of Paul Newman's movies. This one was exremley hard to find. Somebody finally loaded it on youtube, I had to pay $3 to watch it but who cares. I only have 6 more movies to go.

This is an Alfred Hitchcock type movie staring Paul Newman, and older Edward G. Robinson, and a very attractive Elke Sommer (this is the first film I have ever seen of hers).

The setting is Stockholm Sweden. The rich and famous have gathered for the annual presentation of the worldly nobel prizes in many categories- literature, medicine, etc. Newman plays a drunk nobel prize winner who starts to investigate a murder and some espinoge. It feels like a film noor movie, especially with Edward Robinson. I give it 2.5 stars.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tonight, Jeremiah Johnson

Taking Chance (2009)

This is a true story.

Lt. Col. Michael Strobl (played by Kevin Bacon) is a cubical desk jockey for the Marines in 2004. He served during the original Desert Storm, but is sitting this war out in the form of a more administrative role. Each night he views the death/casualty report online to see if he recognizes any of the names. One evening he runs across the name of PFC Chance Phelps, who is from Strobl’s hometown in Colorado.

Strobl volunteers to escort the body of Chance’s home to Wyoming (Where his parents now reside). This movie is beautifully made, and shows the entire process of getting a soldier home to their loved ones. There is nothing graphic or disturbing about this short movie (78 minutes), but be prepared to cry.

It is beautiful how much respect others will pay when they realize that the ultimate sacrifice has been made. This was a 5 star movie for me, and is worth the watch. It is an HBO film like Temple Grandin and John Adams so it is well made.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The African Queen (1951)

I intentionally held off watching this film for at least a year. I wanted to watch some of Bogart's, Hepburn's and John Huston's other movies, in hopes to enjoy this film even more after learning about those individuals. This is a spectacular movie for many reasons. 5 stars and absolutely it is going on my top 100 list (I can't remember if it is on yours). I learned a lot from watching the special feature on the DVD "embracing chaos, the making of the african queen". Here are five reasons why I, along with AFI and others, have this movie in my top 100.

1. What Huston pulled off was miraculous. An independent movie company without deep pockets- leaving Hollywood to film a movie onsite in the African Congo. That sort of thing did not happen in 1951. The Communist movement was going on starting in 1947, and many of the actors including Bogart were being listed on the "commy list" and for awhile it was hard for actors to land parts in movies. Huston was able to talk some very prominent writers, producers, etc. to leave California and go shoot on location in Africa- not to mention convince Hepburn and Bogart that they should do the movie.

2. Bogart received an academy award for his role. It was easily in the top 10 roles I have ever seen someone play. Tremendous work.

3. The cinematography and film editing was incredible, especially for 1951. Everything in the movie was believable.

4. The love attraction between the two of the was perfect. It starts out with tension and leads to a real friendship.

5. Hepburn was nominated but did not receive an Oscar, I think she should have, she was fabulous.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger

I just want to preface that I have enjoyed all of the Marvel comic book movies, so it was a must for me to see this film (especially with the coming of The Avengers in 2012).

Young Steve Rogers tries several times to enlist in the military during WWII, but due to his size and persistant illnesses he is deemed 4F each time. Finally he is given a chance, and shows that he has the heart of a soldier, just not he body. A American-German scientist was asked by the Army to create super soldiers who could regenerate their injured cells, and who had super strength. Well, obviously Steve is selected to take part in the experement, and to make a long story short becomes the only super soldier for the US.

He goes to war, saves some people, fights a villan, and saves the world...Duh!!!

Like all other Marvel movies I enjoy how they take the time to develope the characters so you understand where they are coming from emotionally. The development worked for me, but they really had a hard time finding an end to this story which caused it to only be a generous 2 star movie for me.

The last perk to the movie was staying through the credits to see a trailer for the upcomming film, The Avengers.

Here is the link to the imdb page for this movie.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wait Until Dark (1967)

This film shows up on people's top 100 thrillers list, so I decided to watch it with my wife and 12 year old daughter. It scared my daughter so much that she was crying at the end and had to sleep in our bed with my wife, and I slept in her bed. I kept trying to turn it off but she wanted to see how it ended. It really doesn't get scary until the last 30 min.

Audrey Hepburn deserved her oscar nomination for this role. I liked watching a younger version of Alan Arkin, I am so used to seeing him as an older actor. Same goes for Richard Crenna- I have seen him in many movies but he is older.

This is a fun thriller and if it came out today it would be rated PG. As is, it doesn't have a rating because it came out in the 60's. I give it 4 stars.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Notorious (1946)

This 3 star movie could have been a 4 if it wasn't for a few flaws. 1. I expect to be surprised when watching a Hitchcock movie. This movie was very predictable, and maybe I am too spoiled by Hitchcock's other movies, but there just wasn't a lot of suspense and guessing for the viewer. 2. In the movie Ingrid Bergman works as an American Agent (spy) alongside Cary Grant. Together they steal a key from Claude Rains so that they can go into the wine cellar and look at some stuff. They both know that Claude will be going into the cellar that night, which means he will notice his key is gone from his keychain and he can't get in.

The next morning Bergman slips the key back on his key chain and her and Grant act as if Rains would never know they took it. Of course he would know. It wasn't there when he needed it, and now it was there. So of course he know knows that Bergman is spying on him, and then he starts plotting how to kill her. (The reasons she was in the house is because she married him as a cover up.)

I was disappointed the Hitchcock allowed the mistake in the movie. Bergman and Grant saw Rains try to get into the cellar, they obviously knew that he would look for the key and not find it. HELLO PEOPLE. If you are going to steal someone's key, do it when they don't need it and put it back before they notice. It was funny to me that Grant and Bergman thought they got away with it.

Aside from that, the movie is fun to watch. This is a younger Bergman and Grant was already a star by 1946.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chariots of Fire (1981)

I don't know what shocked me more 1. Reading on IMDB that the actor playing the main role of Eric Liddel (Ian Charleson) died of AIDS at the age of 40 in 1990. or 2. How great the second half of this movie was.

The first half bored me to tears. The second half was 4 stars all the way. How refreshing it is to see a movie come out of Hollywood that actually has God as the main them woven throughout the script. Very suprising and impressive.

This movie as good as it was will not make my list. I felt the director could have done more with the love interest inbetween Harold Abrahams and the actress. The first half just dragged on WAY to long for me.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

One of hte greatest scenes in movie history

The Miracle Worker (1962)

Everyone has heard of the stories and relationship that Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan had with each other, but to see them portrayed in a movie is incredible. Anne Bancroft plays Sullivan, while a young Patty Duke plays Keller. Both women were very deserving of their Oscars. 4.5 out of 5.

Paper Moon (1973)

I have heard about this movie, and have been intrigued about it for some time now but have been hesitant for one reason—O’Neal. Their personal lives have turned me off, but finally I gave into this Father-Daughter movie. Ryan O’Neal (Moze) plays a grifter who is scheming poor people out of the little amounts of money they have during the Depression. Along the way he hears that an old friend of his has passed away, and has left a nine year old daughter Addie (Tatum O’neal).
He takes on the task of driving her to her next of kin in Missouri, along the way continuing to grift. Addie begins to play along in the roles with Moze. They grow close together during these adventures across the heartland of America. In the end of the movie you get what you would expect out of a feel good movie.
Watch for Randy Quaid in one of his earliest movie roles.
Tatum and Ryan played well off of each other, but all-in-all the movie is very flat, only 2 stars. I am shocked that Tatum won an oscar for this roll. It felt like a poor persons Annie.

The Train Robbers (1973)

I added this to my queue because I had read it was one of John Wayne's better films during the last ten years of his career. I also knew that Ann Margret was in it, and I have always liked her.

I can't find a trailer for this one, but it was a fun 3.5 stars for me. I loved the ending in particular.

Ann-Margret plays Mrs. Lowe, a widow who wants to clear her dead husbands name. He had worked alongside 10 other men and stolen a million dollars from Wells Fargo. 7 of those men are still alive, and Mrs. Lowe hires Lane (John Wayne) to take her to where the gold is before the other 7 get there first. Apparantley all 10 men had hidden the gold and then promised to go back and get it later on when the law wasn't after them. Mrs. Lowe has a son, and she wants her son to know that the honest thing to do is turn the stolen gold in. She promises to give the $50,000 reward money that Wells Fargo is offering to Lane and his crew.

Lane hires some of his old war buddies, who have also pulled off a few heist jobs with him in the past. Mrs. Lowe insists coming alongside the crew, in fact she won't tell anyone where the gold is because she doesn't trust them, so she has to come along.

This is a great western for a number of reasons- great shoot outs, a fun romantic tension between Wayne and Margret, and one of the best endings to a Western that you will ever see- it really suprised me. Oh and Ann-Margret looks great in this one.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Indiscreet (1958)

The last 30 min of this movie is 5 stars all the way. The first hour is a typical romantic storyline. The movie is amazing because it is showcasing two great performers- Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. Stanley Donen directs (Singing in the Rain).

I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys witty romantic comedy's, especially if you are a Grant fan.

The plot is simple- Bergman finds out that Grant's front of being married is false. He tells women he is separate from his wife and can't get divorced. This of course allows him to leave relationships whenever he wants to, and of course the lady that has fallen head over heels for him understands, because after all he is married. Everything turns on him when she finds out he is single. I laughed out loud during some of my favorite lines of the movie-

Anna- "How dare you make love to me and be a married man"

Phillip- "There is no sincerity like a woman telling a lie"

Anna- "This is a very diplomatic matter, I don't want you putting your foot in it. Phillip: I deal with diplomatic matters every day without feet.

I love the part where the butler and his wife say back and forth to each other "you are a coward" "I am a coward" "you should be ashamed of yourself" "I am ashamed of myself".

I also like it when Cary Grant says "It is a fallacy in literature works that women are the superior gender when it comes to romance" Cary Grant's dancing is worth watching the movie! Funny stuff.

Cary Grant humor isn't for everyone, but man that guy is so smooth with his lines that you almost miss a lot of his dry wit comedy. I loved this movie and may be putting it on my top 100 list. Next up for me is African Queen with Hepburn and Boghart.

By the way, I can't find a trailer on youtube for you, sorry.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Enter the Dragon (1973)

This was the last film that Bruce Lee acted in (he died before the premier of the film at age 32). Talk about taking a dull pencil and jabbing it in your eye!! This movie was horrible!! It was filmed without sound, and then dubbed in a studio afterwards, and it really felt like it. It felt like you were listening to a radio show, while watching an unrelated show.
Enter the Dragon has a large cult following…the only positive thing I can say about this movie is that the fighting was incredible. Bruce Lee was a master in Martial Arts, but he was no actor. WAAAAAAaaaauuuuuuuuugggghhhhhhhhUUUUAAAAAAAAA!!!! (That is my kung fu shout)


especially the soundtrack!!!

Patton (1970)

Incredible acting by George Scott. Incredible directing by Schaffner. I think it is funny that Scott refused to even attend the Acadamey Awards, let alone accept his Oscar for this role. A 4 star movie.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One, Two, Three (1961)

This is a Billy Wilder directed film about a Coke-a-Cola executive working in West Berlin. The executive is played by James Cagney who is given the task of babysitting the CEOs seventeen year old daughter. Well, the daughter runs off and marries a communist from East Berlin, and that is when the real fun begins. Cagney must make his boss believe that the boy is from a good aristocratic family, but he boy fights all of the capitalistic ideas.
I enjoyed watching this film, and laughed out loud several times. I grew up during the end of the cold war, but I can appreciate some of the propagandas that were spewed back and forth from the USA and the USSR. There are some very stereotypical images and slogans cast around in this film. I also enjoyed the simple references to other James Cagney films, (such as the smashing of the grapefruit in the side of his girlfriends face in The Public Enemy).
I read that James Cagney had such a negative experience filming this show that he did not act for over twenty years after it. What a shame, I really think that James Cagney is a superb actor. This will not make the list, but if I had a top list for comedies this would be on it. A good watch for people who can understand the cold war propaganda (our kids would not get the humor).

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (2011)

I do not have much to say about this film, except that it was a good ending to the series. It will be a long time before we see movies like this that will lapse a generation.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Philadelphia Story (1940)

Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart (winning his first Oscar) and Katharine Hepburn team up for this witty well played romantic comedy. This movie has a lot to offer and I give it 3.5 stars.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Winchester ’73 (1950)

The day s of ’47 are upon us and I was in the mood for Western films. This one has it all guns, Indians, horses, more guns, and a girl. Jimmy Stewart stars as the hero of the day Lin McAdam who wins an interesting shooting match to win a repeating Winchester rifle. Well, it gets stolen, sold, stolen, found, gifted, stolen, stolen one last time, and then redeemed by the rightful owner. Shelley Winters plays the love interest, Tony Curtis plays a soldier, and Rock Hudson plays an Indian Chief. This had probably one of the best shoot outs at the end of the movie I have ever seen, but it felt like an eternity getting there. This was a good story, which for me did not translate over to a good movie. Stewart was good as always, but the supporting cast was mediocre at best. Just 3 stars.

Destry Rides Again (1939)

James Stewart and Marlene Dietrich star in this western movie. Tom Destry (Stewart) is the son of a famous sheriff, who has since been killed (shot in the back). Frenchy (Dietrich) is a show girl in the local saloon who hangs around with the tough gamblers and helps them cheat unexpecting customers out of their land, clothes and money. Destry is called into town to help rid the town of the bad guys. Unbeknownst to the Sherriff, Destry does not carry a gun. To make a long and uninteresting story short, Dietrich is a horrible singer and actress; Stewart saves the film and the movie and the gun fight is predictable. 1 and ½ stars.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Stagecoach (1939)

I finally made it to this gem, which has been sitting in my instant queue forever. This is a 4 star movie but not a 5 one for me. It will not make my top 100. There were a few things at the end of the movie that were confusing to me. I love all the characters. I enjoyed how director John Ford allowed adequte time for those characters to deveop their roles effieciently.

Friday, July 8, 2011

How to Steal a Million (1966)

5 Stars. It made it on to my top 100 list. Those two actors worked beautifully together. What a great movie. I loved everything about it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Buck (2011)

This is a documentary about the horse whisperer Buck Brennaman. My wife was surprisingly interested in going down to the Broadway in SLC to see this movie. I had heard about this on the Movie Show on KSL and Steve Salles gave it a solid 4 stars, so of course I was interested in seeing it.

I loved this movie!! I went into thinking we were just going to see his methods of training horses, but actually what I came out with will change my life. The way he cared for and trained horse can carry over to all aspects of your life.

Buck trained horse riders and trainers that if you teach a horse strong resistance than they will always display resistance. If you make the horse an extension of your body than they will do what ever you need them to do. I realize that this might be confusing, but trust me it all works out in the documentary.

As I walked out of the theater I defiantly had a lot to think about, especially with how I work with and raise my own children. I would give it 4 stars because it caused me to think.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

About A Boy (2002)

Somebody at my rehearsal was telling me how they love this movie. Luckily I found the movie on Netflix and I really enjoyed it. Hugh Grant is great in this movie, and I think the child playing the main role did a fantastic job. Well done. I give it 4 stars. It is very creative and original. I love the way the mom dresses her kids, especially the rainbow jacket.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Maltese Falcon (1941)

The last three Bogart movies I have watched were all gems, so I was excited to finally get to this one. Unfortunately it was a let down for me. Bogart's character is a slick, quick on his feet private detective named Snead. He gets involved with a bunch of crooks as they try to chase down a gold statue (The Maltese Falcon) which has been eluding people for centuries. No one seems to know where it is. The ending is disappointing. A 2 star film. Bogart does a nice job playing his role, but everyone else seems to just be watching him and saying their lines when it is there turn, no one seems to be acting. I expected more from director John Huston. This film is supposed to be one of the best film noir detective movies, I just couldn't get into it.

Even though I didn't like this film, I am not giving up on Bogart. I have another on of his in my queue. However...up next for me is Audrey Hepburn in "How to Steal a Million."

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Next Three Days (2010)

It is difficult for me to give a movie only 3 stars when I can honestly say it kept my undivided attention for the entire film. My wife and I were tense through the whole movie, I didn't even want to stop the film to use the restroom.

There is nothing new about the script, we have seen many movies with the "Fugitive" type mentatlity or in other words an innocent person on the run type movie. But it still worked for me and I was totally sucked in.

Russell Crowe does well, I think that Elizabeth Banks could have done better in her role. Olivia Wilde, Daniel Stern (City Slickers) and Liam Neeson all have small roles.

I really enjoyed watching Russell Crowe as he took his character into someone that was concerned spouse, and then later in the movie really turning the character into a pyscopath.

What holds this movie back from being a 4 or 5 star flick is the lack of originality. Still enjoyable though. It is rated PG-13 for the F word used one time.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ed Wood (1994)

Tim Burton directed this film on the infamously terrible heterosexual transvestite director Edward G. Wood Jr. Wood (Johnny Depp) worshiped Orson Wells, and wanted to Write, Produce, Direct and act in his own movies, but he just couldn't make it with any studios. One day he hears about a man that goes through a sex change. He approaches the producer who had the rights to the story and begged to be the director of the film.

Before production began on the film, Wood becomes friends with the yet living Bela Lugosi (Martin Landau won the Oscar for his performance in this roll), and find a place for him in the movie. The rag-tag crew that Wood works with are in his films; he also includes his then girlfriend Dolores Fuller (Sarah Jessica Parker). Wood was desperate to become a director for a major studio that he would go in and make up movies on the fly, such as Dr. Acula.

This movie covers three of the bigger movies that Wood's directed; Glen or Glenda, Bride of the Monster, and Plan 9 From Outer Space, all of which Bela are in.

As I watched this movie I realized that Johnny Depp only has about three characters that he recycles from movie to movie, and this is the same one he used in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The only acting that is worth noting is that of Landau. He plays a very convincing Bela.

This movie was so outrageous that I had to do some research after seeing it to find out fact from fiction, and to my disbelief it was fairly spot on. I would give this movie a 3 out of 5; not a great watch, but definitely an insight into the mind and world of the worst director of all times.

Bride of the Monster (1955)

This was one of the first movies directed by Edward G. Wood Jr., and it lives up to his reputation of being the worst director of all times. I read that this movie was made in just a few days with the use of many stock film clips of lightening, explosions, an octopus, alligators, and the house. This was one of the last movies in which Bela Lugosi had a speaking part.

Bela plays the roll of Dr. Eric Vornoff who is working to create super atomic men (the perfect race)that he can control and rule. The movie is only one hour and eight minutes so I cannot go in to too many details without ruining the end.

This is very possibly the worst movie I have ever seen, but it was worth it. After watching Ed Wood, I wanted to really experience one of Wood's movies and this was the only one I could view instantly on Netflix. This movie lived up to its portrayal in Ed Wood. When the actors would run into walls the whole set would move, the stunt double for Bela was wearing about nine inch lift shoes just so he could look as tall as Bela.

The large octopus that they stole from Warner Brothers did not have its motor in it, so when people were being attacked by the octopus you could see the actors thrashing the arms of the octopus over them. Hilarious!! The same lightening flash is seen about fourteen times throughout the film, and the brick wall was obviously painted.

If you want to see the worst movie of all times, see this one.

Social Network - Response

I agree that the sex, drugs, and booze was overdone in this movie and were not really needed to tell the tale of Facebook. However, I feel that the movie was deservant of all the Oscar nominations it recieved especially for the lead actor and best picture.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Social Network

1. The acting from the main character and his roommate were extraordinary
2. I felt the director could have used less sex, booze and drugs and still go the point across that the group consisted of a bunch of immature brilliant prep boys.
3. I was surprised at how they approached the role of the main character- they really made him out to be a villain
4. I liked the movie but it is not a 5 star movie for me, probably 3.5
5. I had no idea prior to the movie that Shawn (Napster dude) had anything to do with Facebook. His role played a big part in facebook going global.

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

I served my mission in Roseville California, and my favorite city was Chico. In the middle of the town was a large park that had large trees and grassy areas. I was told that it was in this park that they filmed many of the scenes from The Adventures of Robin Hood, so for the last thirteen years I have been interested in seeing this film. Many times I have tried to watch it but to no avail. Finally, I forced myself to watch it, and boy was I sad that I waited so long to see it.
It is the typical Robin Hood story of robbing from the rich to feed the poor, and over through evil Prince John to welcome back King Richard from the Crusades. Robin Hood, played by Errol Flynn, is causing an uprising against Prince John (Claude Rains), Sir Guy of Gisbourne (played by the marvelous Basil Rathbone) and the Sherrif of Nottingham, because they have overthrown their authority and made Prince John the new ruler of England.
Robin will not stand for this; he has heard that they must raise 500,000 pounds to free King Richard from a French jail, and goes about recruiting his merry band to help raise (steel) the money.
Olivia de Havilland plays Robin’s romantic interest in Maid Marian.
I really enjoyed this movie from a romantic perspective of Knights fighting for honor, great sword fights in large castles, huge feasts, and wonderful costumes. This is not your Kevin Costner version of the Robin Hood story, this is more of a Danny Kay version of the Court Jester.
When they decide to remake this version they need to cast James Franco as Robin Hood, because he and Errol Flynn are twins. I give this a solid four stars. It is a fun family film (if your kids are into these films).
Watch for the moment when Flynn holds his sword up threateningly to a guard after a sword fight with Rathbone. The sword is bent. 

The Facts of Life (1960)

Kitty (Lucille Ball) is in a loveless marriage, she is in a stale friendship with people from the country club, she is the president of the PTA, a den mother, and a very lonely person. Larry, played by Bob Hope, is a advertising agent for the local pickle company, is married with two children, and is a very lonely person. Kitty and Larry (and their spouses) are in the same group of friends from the country club, but Kitty and Larry cannot stand each other.
Each year this group of six friends takes the same trip down to Mexico. Circumstances arise and Larry and Kitty spend the whole time together for the week, and fall madly in love with each other. The affair continues as they return back to their everyday boring lives. As time goes on they struggle with how to carry on the affair without getting caught.
After a year they decide to fly back to Mexico where it all began, just he two of them. Unfortunately, not everything turns out to be roses for them, in fact quite the opposite. They discover that they cannot continue on with their relationship, and decide to end it.
As I watched this movie I felt as though I was watching I Love Lucy – Ten Years Later; Ricky and Lucy are bored with each other and Lucy seeks adventure through an affair with an interesting new person. This movie had jokes, which might have been funny for the era, but fell flat with today’s standards. Also, the chemistry between Ball and Hope seemed forced and studio produced. For one and three-quarters hours I was bored and uninterested; this story had already been tried, and is still being reproduced today with no success. Affairs on your spouse are not funny – this is a lame 1 ½ star movie.
I was hoping (forgive the pun) for more from these two funny comedians.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

You were right about Temple Grandin. An amazing movie. Claire Danes gives an amazing performance. I give it 4 stars. I believe it was worthy of a best actress award.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I love this movie. The way that Henry & Jane Fonda acted in the movie towards each other is how they were in real life (according to Jane's autobiography). I do remember a lot of swearing as well. I am glad you liked it. I think it is a fantastic movie, it is on my top 100. Dabney Coleman also does a nice job.

Clash of the Titans (2010)

This was a remake from the original film made in the 1970s, and it didn't feel like the technology had improved very much. This movie war relying on CGI too much and you could tell. The story line was simple and boring; the set design was awful; and the acting left much to be desired. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!!!

On Golden Pond (1981)

I watched this on your recommendation, and I hate you for it. I watched it on the computer in my kitchen, not knowing I would be crying by the end of the show. My wife asked me if I was becoming weak; thanks a lot Ryan.

This was probably the best screen chemistry I have ever witnessed between the two lead actors. Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn were made for each other. I was surprised to read that they had never worked together before and in fact had never met each other before the filming of the show. They were both deservant of the Oscars they won for these roles.

I was surprised with the rough language for the PG rating, but it felt very natural between Fonda and Hepburn. This movie felt like I was actually witnessing it, instead of just watching it. I especially loved the tension between Jane and Henry Fonda; I believe it was real.

This is a good, but gut wrenching watch. I loved it, but be prepared to cry.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Don't Bother to Knock (1952)

I was completley blown away by this movie. I was expecting another MM 2.5 star 90 minute movie. That is what amazes me about her, once in awhile she will just completley stun me with her acting. THis is a 4 star movie. The director was able to work with a very unpredictable script for the viewer and the acting is perfect. Well done MM.

This is what Richard Windmark had to say about his time filming this movie with MM "Marilyn Monroe wanted to be this great star but acting just scared the hell out of her. That's why she was always late - couldn't get her on the set. She had trouble remembering lines. But none of it mattered. With a very few special people, something happens between the lens and the film that is pure magic. And she really had it."

This movie represents the film debut of Anne Bancroft, and you can tell she was ready for stardom, I was impressed with what she pulled off in her first movie at a young age of 20.

Don't read any reviews or watch any trailers. Just watch the movie and you will enojy the surprises better. I still can't believe how good this movie was for a MM movie.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Top 10 of My Top 100 List

1 King's Speech 2010
2 Citizen Kane 1941
3 Sunset Blvd. 1950
4 Dr. Strangelove 1964
5 Some Like It Hot 1959
6 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966
7 Singin' in the Rain 1952
8 Doubt 2008
9 The Burbs 1989
10 Psycho 1960

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Men (1950)

Marlon Brando's first film. Add to that a great performance by Everett Sloane and Teresa Wright. I couldn't find a preview of this film on youtube.

The film is about life after the war for veterans who became paralyzed as a result of combat injuries. I give it 3.5 solid stars. It is avaliable on instant viewing on Netflix and I think it is worth watching. These men go through so many phases of acceptance of their lifelong disability. Brando showed all of those emotions so well, it didn't seem to me like it was his first movie.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Hindenburg (1975)

This is a story of the historically tragic Hindenburg flight of 1937. George C. Scott plays a Germany spy of sorts who is called upon to monitor the activities of this flight due to letter claiming the flight was doomed. This flight was taking place during the rise of the Third Reich, and Scott was not a Nazi lover, but to keep peace in his life he accepted the mission. The visual imagery of the Zeppelin is very impressive, and I love the sound engineering of the movie each time you see the exterior or skeletal interior of the aircraft.

This story had a slow development but eventually built up to a fairly good suspense due to a hidden bomb on board the aircraft. It was a cat and mouse chase. This was not one of the greater George C. Scott films. I felt it could have been a great movie if they would have spoken in native tongue to each other and broken English to the American passengers.

The director used actual footage of the disaster at the end of the movie, mixed with handheld camera work for the fictional re-enactments. All of the disaster was shot in black and white giving it a newsreel feel to it.

I liked this movie in a Towering Inferno kind of way, but this movie could be a really good Titanic or Schindler's List film if done properly today.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

California Suite (1978)

Lame movie staring Jane Fonda, Alan Alda, Walter Matthau, Richard Pryor, Bill Cosby, and Michael Caine. I give it one star. I only watched it because I am trying to watch all of Jane Fonda's movies. This one is about a bunch of people that come to Hollywood for the Oscars.

Killers (2010)

Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher. Dumbest movie I have seen in about 3 years. My wife made me watch it with her.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Pride of the Yankees (1941)

Gary Cooper stands up to the plate. The pitch is on its way... its a stand up double. Next up is Teresa Wright, and she hits a two run homer. Both players are stars. Okay enough of the funny business. Simply put, this is a 4 star movie which portrays the life of Lou Gehrig.

What impressed me the most is that the movie was made one year after Gehrig's death. The reason that is important, is because the director was able to use real Yankee players, and ex Yankee players, to be in the film. These were men who played with Gehrig, and here they are working alongside Gary Cooper as he pretends to be Gehrig. Babe Ruth and Bill Dickey playing themselves in a movie- I think that is such a great idea, and it worked perfectly.

Nominated for 11 Oscars, the film only took home one. And I truly felt that Teresa Wright deserved an Oscar, which she did not get. Her role as Gehrig's wife was a standing ovation performance. Cooper did a great job portraying an innocent, child like personality in Gehrig, even when he was an adult.

This is a great movie for all baseball fans, or any American for that matter. Imagine how Americans felt watching this movie right after Gehrig died, this would have been very emotional for those viewers, as it was for me even 70 years after his death. A time when there were no steroids, just real baseball.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Andersonville Trial (TV 1970)

As I was looking for an instant movie to watch of George C. Scott’s I ran across this movie. He did not act in this one, but he was the director. It is a play, and the movie feels like it (the visual appearance of it is just like a soap opera). With that aside it was an interesting watch.

William Shatner played the Judge Advocate for the Union. Buddy Ebsen and Martin Sheen had bit roles in the play as well. This is the trial of Confederate Captain Henry Wirtz who was one of the leaders over the horrors that took place at the Andersonville compound in Atlanta Georgia. Witness after witness come in and explain more and more of the horrors that were allowed to take place there.

I liked this from the perspective that it was a play and not a movie, so the acting and angles were that of a play. If I went to the movie theater to see this I would have been angry, but if I would have gone to a theatre to see this I would have been well pleased. It is an interesting watch for a historic perspective, but nothing else.

The Hustler (1961)

I hated this movie.

I started this film a couple of weeks ago (the disk was skipping…it is now an instant watch on Netflix), and I loved it. The marathon pool match between Fast Eddie and Minnesota Fats was fantastic. Gleason and Newman were amazing actors, and I had high hopes for the movie; enter Piper Laurie and the movie was ruined. Many people enjoyed her performance, but for me it was very flat and uninspiring. I guess I just didn’t care about her, so I found no depth with her.

From the first forty minutes of the film I thought it was going to be a lot of pool when in fact it was just another show about the decline of human decencies. Newman, Gleason, and Scott all gave superb performances but I will never waste my time with this show again. 2 out of 5 for me.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Touch of Evil (1958)

If you watch this and appraoch it as a "B" noir type movie movie, you will give it at least 3.5 stars. Orson Welles is a genius despite what anyone says. His mind was created to change the film industry. I liked this movie. Janet Leigh (Psycho) and Marlene Dietrich were beautiful. Charlton Heston is a good actor, I need to watch more of his films.

The movie is about a crooked cop (Welles) who will stop at nothing to protect his name. I would only recommend watching this movie if you like Orson Welles. This movie it really is about Welles, and him and how they have remade this movie to be like what he wanted. the studio dumped Welles as he was a pain in their side during post production (which he was do every director he worked for). He wrote the director a 58 page memo of the changes he demanded. This DVD version has those changes. The man was a crazy genius.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sayonara (1957)

This movie was nominated for 10 Academy Awards, and won 4 of those nominations. I give the movie 3 stars. Brando was okay, as was James Garner. Red Buttons was fantastic. The story is hard to believe for me. From what I have read about the Vietnam and Korean war, I don't give the American GI's that much credit when it comes to romancing Japanese and Korean women. This movie was based on American soldiers behaving respectful towards the women. I just don't picture it that way, I picture more the norm at that time a bunch of solidiers committing one night stands and a bunch of illegitimate children left as a result of bad decisions.

I worked with a girl who was won of those children. My friend was in the Navy and told me all about the one night stands over seas. I am not saying this story couldn't happen, I just have a hard time believing that all war time relationships were this cordial.

I am puzzled why Brando tried pulling off a Tulsa, Oklahoma accent, it just didn't work for me. This film is just okay for me.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Tourist (2010)

This was the in flight movie when I was going to Boston. It stars Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. It was nice to see James Bond doing some work again, even though he didn't have that big of a role (Timothy Dalton). The movie was slow, but the last 5 minutes were outstanding and unpredictable. for that I will give it 2.5 stars. this movie is for those that like to oohh and ahhh over Angelina Jolie, and I am just not one of those people.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010)

I am not a large Nicolas Cage fan so I was not anxious to see this movie. Now I feel bad that I made my children wait so long to see this good movie. Cage plays Balthazar Blake who was one of three apprentices of Merlin. One of those apprentices (Alfred Molina) turns against Merlin and conspires to kill him. To make a complicated story short Cage now has to find the heir to Merlin’s powers. For almost two thousand years he searched for that person. In 2000 he found Dave. Over time he started training Dave (played by Jay Baruchel – Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon).

Disney threw a bone to the original Mickey Mouse Sorcerer’s Apprentice, which turned out to be entertaining. The graphics were good and the story was entertaining. I was surprised to see a murder in this movie, but it was so brief I am not sure that my kids noticed. I give this a 3 out of 5.

Pot o' Gold (1941)

Pot o’ Gold is a family friendly musical featuring James Stewart. Jimmy Haskell runs a failing music store, and is offered a comfortable job working in his uncle’s food factory. Reluctantly he takes the offer of his uncle, but before he can get there he befriends his uncle’s worst enemies. Soon it turns into a cat and mouse chase, while trying to avoid being found out by his uncle.

The Irish family of which Jimmy is now friends loves to play and sing music, which irritates his uncle immensely. I enjoyed the simplicity of the movie. It felt like You Can’t Take It With You. This will not make my list, but I will give it a 4 out of 5 for pure simple enjoyment (This movie is not sophisticated).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Only Angels Have Wings (1939)

Cary Grant was 35 years old when this film was released, so he was already a movie star, and although it wasn't my favorite role of his he did okay.

Rita Hayworth on the other hand was only 21 years old at the time of this movie, and according to some reviews I read online, this was her breakthrough movie. She is not a lead in the movie, but has a big enough part that you can tell that she is destined for Hollywood fame. Jean Arthur is one of the best, and she did not disappoint me in this movie as she did a fantastic job.

The movie is about a fierce boss (Grant) who manages a group of mail pilots who fly missions in the worst weather you can imagine. He puts their life at risk, but is just as tough as his subordinates and is willing to make flights himself.

The movie is also about how Jean Arthur and Cary Grant fall in love, and how Grant must face his former girlfriend (Hayworth) as she shows up unexpectedly. This is a fun 3 star movie. Not fantastic, but fun given who is in the movie.

Thomas Mitchell (It's a Wonderful Life) plays a big part in the role and really does a good job.