Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Airport '77 (1977)

I can just see the writer and director sitting down in a smoke filled room saying "okay we've got the crappy script and we need some Hollywood stars in the film otherwise this movie is going to flop- um how about an aging Jimmy Stewart... perfect- and how about Jack Lemmon. Great. Lets also through in a couple of Oscar winners in Lee Grant and George Kennedy. Perfect- now it should work".

The movie doesn't work. The first 60 min results in the worst disaster movie I have ever seen. They try and develop the characters but it is so SLOW! It feels like a 1970's Posiden movie but worse. I held on knowing that eventually the movie would turn into what the trailer said it would- a plane that crashes in the Bermuda triangle and is sitting on the ocean floor waiting for the US Navy to rescue the passengers. I just couldn't take it anymore so I turned it off.

My wife begged me to watch the rest so we could see what happened, so I turned it back on. The last 30 min was actually pretty cool- but this is still a bad movie.

1 comment:

Adam Pfaff said...

I was actually going to watch this show tonight...I am now having second thoughts, but I Think I will end up watching it.