Monday, December 19, 2011

The barefoot contessa (1954)

The Scarlet Pimpernel I gave 4 stars. I was scared to watch this movie because I was coming off a great movie. Well guess what- fate was in my hands and it ended up being two fantastic movies in a row. This one gets 3.5 stars from me.

Humphrey Bogart and Ava Gardner star in this film, which is shot in color and believe me that is rare for 1954.

Ava plays Maria Vargas- a nobody Spainard who entertains drunkards at local saloons in Spain. Bogart plays Harry Dawes, who is a washed up movie director and happens to be on a world tour with Mr. Billionaire Kirk Edwards- who will go to no expense when it comes to finding the next major hollywood movie star. But it is Dawes not Edwards that is able to charm Vargas into coming to America.

The movie is played backwards- it starts at Vargas' funeral and then Dawes tells the story of her life. What is interesting is you don't know how she dies until the very end of the show and boy was I suprised.

Joseph L. Mankiewicz does a fanstastic job directing this movie. As I read up on Ava Gardner I realized that the characater she plays is actually similar to her own life. Just a nice pleasant film that makes me more of a Bogart fan than I already was. I cannot find a great trailer for this one.

1 comment:

Adam Pfaff said...

This sounds intriguing, I will look into it.