Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Buck (2011)

This is a documentary about the horse whisperer Buck Brennaman. My wife was surprisingly interested in going down to the Broadway in SLC to see this movie. I had heard about this on the Movie Show on KSL and Steve Salles gave it a solid 4 stars, so of course I was interested in seeing it.

I loved this movie!! I went into thinking we were just going to see his methods of training horses, but actually what I came out with will change my life. The way he cared for and trained horse can carry over to all aspects of your life.

Buck trained horse riders and trainers that if you teach a horse strong resistance than they will always display resistance. If you make the horse an extension of your body than they will do what ever you need them to do. I realize that this might be confusing, but trust me it all works out in the documentary.

As I walked out of the theater I defiantly had a lot to think about, especially with how I work with and raise my own children. I would give it 4 stars because it caused me to think.

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