Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Morituri (1965)

Any movie staring Marlon Brando and Yul Brynner is destined for greatness. Well maybe. A good script and excellent scene shooting would help matters even more. The first 10 min of this movie had me completley hooked. It is just that feeling that film buffs get when they think they are going to love a show.

I loved the dead pan humor from Brando as he is being blackmailed by a British Officer. I loved the set up. Two ego's on one ship, we all know there is only room enough for one. Everything was going perfectly...

Somewhere in the middle of the movie I felt this 5 star movie slip to a 2.5 star movie. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but it happened. A few pschzophrenic turns by the director and the writer had me confused on what the main story of the movie was.

I loved the acting done by the beutuful Janet Margolin who I had seen in a couple of other movies (she died young at age 50 of cancer). Some of the support charcters were weak. The ending was just weird. If you are a Brando or Brynner fan it is worth watching- otherwise I would skip it.

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