Monday, October 17, 2011

The Thief of Bagdad (1924)

I love silent films!!! The actors are able to project imagery and story with their eyes and jesters sometimes better than regular "talkie" actors can. During the late 20's and early 30's you can see that actors had a difficult time transitioning between silent and sound films because they countinued to act with their bodies and not their mouths.
I was watching a documentary on one of the public channels the other night and the spoke about this Douglas Fairbanks classic, and they showed clips of the flying carpet scene; I knew then that I had to see this show. Now picture with me the Disney classic Aladdin, and you now have the storyline.
Another thing I like about silent films is that they depended on LARGE sets to paint a picture, and this set was enourmous. The imagery was amazing, and the effects were ten years before their time. I would recommend seeing this film (watch it in segments if you have to), the one draw back is that it is 2 1/2 hours long.

1 comment:

Ryan Lambert said...

This is the fundamental difference between being a true movie connoisseur and just an amateur.
I wish I had the fortitude to make it through a silent movie but I have tried a couple of times and I just can't do it. Props to you.