Thursday, May 12, 2011

Twelve O'Clock High (1949)

The only reason I decided to watch this film was because Gregory Peck was in it. Initially I was bored with this film, but then you told me that you watched in your Masters program so I began to look at it differently.

During the European theater in WWII there were only US Airmen in the beginning; it was not until later that ground troop arrived. These airmen were trying to fly too many missions with too few men; they were undisciplined and needed stern direction from a General. In steps Peck in that roll and turns a group of airmen into a tight fighting unit. They sustained some losses but in the end prevailed.

The acting was sterile, much like a lot of films from that era, but the story turned out good. Watching it from a side note it is a good managerial film as how to manage and inspire teams.

On a further side note, I told my boss I was watching this show, and he kept jokingly saying "3 o'clock High?" He got excited that that show was filmed at Ogden High School, which lead to another movie that was filmed at that school, Drive ME Crazy...I have now Queued it.

1 comment:

Ryan Lambert said...

Yes, this is why I watched it in school, we had to write a paper about management X philosophy versus management Y philosophy.