Monday, May 30, 2011

Sayonara (1957)

This movie was nominated for 10 Academy Awards, and won 4 of those nominations. I give the movie 3 stars. Brando was okay, as was James Garner. Red Buttons was fantastic. The story is hard to believe for me. From what I have read about the Vietnam and Korean war, I don't give the American GI's that much credit when it comes to romancing Japanese and Korean women. This movie was based on American soldiers behaving respectful towards the women. I just don't picture it that way, I picture more the norm at that time a bunch of solidiers committing one night stands and a bunch of illegitimate children left as a result of bad decisions.

I worked with a girl who was won of those children. My friend was in the Navy and told me all about the one night stands over seas. I am not saying this story couldn't happen, I just have a hard time believing that all war time relationships were this cordial.

I am puzzled why Brando tried pulling off a Tulsa, Oklahoma accent, it just didn't work for me. This film is just okay for me.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Tourist (2010)

This was the in flight movie when I was going to Boston. It stars Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. It was nice to see James Bond doing some work again, even though he didn't have that big of a role (Timothy Dalton). The movie was slow, but the last 5 minutes were outstanding and unpredictable. for that I will give it 2.5 stars. this movie is for those that like to oohh and ahhh over Angelina Jolie, and I am just not one of those people.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010)

I am not a large Nicolas Cage fan so I was not anxious to see this movie. Now I feel bad that I made my children wait so long to see this good movie. Cage plays Balthazar Blake who was one of three apprentices of Merlin. One of those apprentices (Alfred Molina) turns against Merlin and conspires to kill him. To make a complicated story short Cage now has to find the heir to Merlin’s powers. For almost two thousand years he searched for that person. In 2000 he found Dave. Over time he started training Dave (played by Jay Baruchel – Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon).

Disney threw a bone to the original Mickey Mouse Sorcerer’s Apprentice, which turned out to be entertaining. The graphics were good and the story was entertaining. I was surprised to see a murder in this movie, but it was so brief I am not sure that my kids noticed. I give this a 3 out of 5.

Pot o' Gold (1941)

Pot o’ Gold is a family friendly musical featuring James Stewart. Jimmy Haskell runs a failing music store, and is offered a comfortable job working in his uncle’s food factory. Reluctantly he takes the offer of his uncle, but before he can get there he befriends his uncle’s worst enemies. Soon it turns into a cat and mouse chase, while trying to avoid being found out by his uncle.

The Irish family of which Jimmy is now friends loves to play and sing music, which irritates his uncle immensely. I enjoyed the simplicity of the movie. It felt like You Can’t Take It With You. This will not make my list, but I will give it a 4 out of 5 for pure simple enjoyment (This movie is not sophisticated).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Only Angels Have Wings (1939)

Cary Grant was 35 years old when this film was released, so he was already a movie star, and although it wasn't my favorite role of his he did okay.

Rita Hayworth on the other hand was only 21 years old at the time of this movie, and according to some reviews I read online, this was her breakthrough movie. She is not a lead in the movie, but has a big enough part that you can tell that she is destined for Hollywood fame. Jean Arthur is one of the best, and she did not disappoint me in this movie as she did a fantastic job.

The movie is about a fierce boss (Grant) who manages a group of mail pilots who fly missions in the worst weather you can imagine. He puts their life at risk, but is just as tough as his subordinates and is willing to make flights himself.

The movie is also about how Jean Arthur and Cary Grant fall in love, and how Grant must face his former girlfriend (Hayworth) as she shows up unexpectedly. This is a fun 3 star movie. Not fantastic, but fun given who is in the movie.

Thomas Mitchell (It's a Wonderful Life) plays a big part in the role and really does a good job.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

High Noon (1952)

Love this movie. It teaches me that we can try and run away from our duties in life, but ultimately our conscience will lead us to where we should be. Marshall Kane (Gary Cooper) tries diligently to round up a sheriff's deputy, but to no avail. He is on his own.

It was fun watching Henry Morgan (from MASH) have a role in this movie as well as Thomas Mitchell (uncle Billy in Its' a Wonderful Life). Of course this is the movie that made Grace Kelly a star, and she did a great job.

I will give this movie 5 stars and I have to think about it I put it on my top 100 list. I thought Mrs. Ramirez (Katy Jurado) was a horrible actress, that would be the only thing from keeping me from putting it on my list.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The War Lover (1962)

What a a huge relief! After sitting through three horrible Steve McQueen movies in a row over the past few months (they weren't even worthy of being blogged), I finally made it to another great one! I am remembering once again why I set out on a quest to watch all his movies.

The War Lover stars McQueen, Robert Wagner and Shirley Anne Field. McQueen plays Captain Buzz Rickson, who is a cooler version of Maverick (Tom Cruise) on Top Gun. McQueen is the King of Cool, and it shows in this movie. He can make any tough guy role look even tougher.

This movie is also about B17 bombers and the role they played in WW2. I love the combat filming. A lot of work went into filming this movie and making it look realistically given the technology they had in 1962.

Although I did not care for the last 3 minutes of this movie- this is still a 4 star movie for me. I cannot find a trailer on Youtube, but I noticed the entire movie is on Youtube but in sections.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Towering Inferno (1974)

I fell asleep...I will try this movie at another time.

Twelve O'Clock High (1949)

The only reason I decided to watch this film was because Gregory Peck was in it. Initially I was bored with this film, but then you told me that you watched in your Masters program so I began to look at it differently.

During the European theater in WWII there were only US Airmen in the beginning; it was not until later that ground troop arrived. These airmen were trying to fly too many missions with too few men; they were undisciplined and needed stern direction from a General. In steps Peck in that roll and turns a group of airmen into a tight fighting unit. They sustained some losses but in the end prevailed.

The acting was sterile, much like a lot of films from that era, but the story turned out good. Watching it from a side note it is a good managerial film as how to manage and inspire teams.

On a further side note, I told my boss I was watching this show, and he kept jokingly saying "3 o'clock High?" He got excited that that show was filmed at Ogden High School, which lead to another movie that was filmed at that school, Drive ME Crazy...I have now Queued it.

Let's Make it Legal (1951)

This is a B movie at best. I watched it on instant NF because it had Marilyn Monroe in it. She wasn't a star at this point in her career, she was just landing small parts with 20th century fox. She only has about 12 lines in the entire movie and appears in only 3 scenes.

There are five main actors in this movie, two of whom are worth mentioning. 1. Claudette Colbert, who was the star of "It Happened One Night" gives the only noteworthy performance. 2. Robert Wagener- plays a young father in this movie. Robert went on to have a successful career and is still alive today. He was married to Natalie Wood two times during his life, and they were married at the time of her passing (drowning accident). I give this movie 1.5 stars.

The script is based on a middle aged couple who wants to get a divorce after 20 years of marriage- due to the husbands gambling problem. As they are trying to patch things up, the wife's ex-boyfriend rolls into town, and he is now a millionaire, which complicated things.

Don't wast your time with this one unless you just want to see MM for a couple of minutes.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

To Catch A Thief (1955)

This movie has so much to offer! I loved the scenery and was not surprised to find out that this movie won an Oscar for Best Cinematography. This was one of Paramounts first attempts at shooting a film in VistaVision, and the color was great. All the scenery in France was amazing. They did do half of the filming in Paramount's CA studio, but all the outdoor stuff was in France.

This movie deserves 3 stars even if the actors never muttered a word- the fact that Hitchcock teamed up with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly.....and filmed the movie in France! What I loved about Kelly's role is she was spunky, and hard nosed. She plays a tough girl and it fits her style well. She is absolutely magnificent in the movie and mesmerizing to look at. Everything she wore was beautiful. The first time she kisses Grant in the movie has to be one of the top 10 kisses of all time in Hollywood, it is just perfect. I wish she would have made more movies.

This movie gets 4 stars from me, not quite a 5 star movie. the script is too predictable. I wanted more surprises at the end. Cary Grant makes everything seem so easy and smooth- all of his lines in every movie he is in are articulated perfectly. He really was a movie star. Well done Grant, Kelly & Hitchcock. I absolutely recommend this movie.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cape Fear (1962)

This is the original with Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum, not the remake with Robert De Niro (1991). As a side note, I was surprised that for a 1962 film it was black and white.

This is a great movie, I give it 4.5 stars. My wife and I both liked it. This is a thriller, edge of your seat movie, and it is even better than some of Hitchcock's best films, although Hitchcock did not make this movie, it is similar to his type of movie.

Mitchum stole the show with his performance. I was also impressed with Lori Martin's performance, and the 10 year old girl. I was surprised to find out after reading about her on IMDB, that she never turned into a movie star as an adult. This film is well worth your time and may even make it on my top 100. I am still thinking about it.

Call Northside 777 (1948)

As I was scouring Netflix for a good movie to watch, I stumbled upon this little gem with James Stewart.

This is a film about an innocent man who was fingered as a cop killer during the Prohibition era. He was sentenced to life in prison, but his loving mother always stood by his side, knowing that he was innocent. The Chicago Times stumbles upon this story and young McNeal (Stewart) is given the task of covering the story eleven years later.

In the typical fashion McNeal believes the guy is guilty, but over time changes his mind to see that he is in fact innocent. This movie is based off of actual events. It was filmed in an interesting fashion, in that it was part documentary, and part acting (personally this was not pulled off well, at least not like This is Spinal Tap). Jimmy Stewart was good, but that is about all this film had going for it.

Please forgive my inability to gain interest in this movie because it had to use top of the line technology for its day, but to watch it now, with our technology, it was painful. If I could have gotten over that little problem, this would have been a stand up and cheer ending. This is a feel good movie, but not anything else. I give it 2.5 out of 5.

I almost forgot this point but I love the title of the movie. It bring a warmth to my heart, but you will have to see the movie to understand it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Magnificent Obsession (1954)

What a huge disappointment! I am not even going to give this ridiculous movie 1 star, I will give it a Turkey. I had read great reviews. I knew going in that this was the movie that made Rock Hudson a star, and that Jane Wyman received an Oscar nomination for her role. I am not sure how Hudson became a star, a star of what, crappy films? Wyman did not deserve an Oscar nomination. Barbara Rush was the only good thing about this movie, and that is because I loved her in "The Young Philadelphians" with Paul Newman, so I already liked her.

The story is about a rich guy who realizes he is missing the boat in life. He starts to serve others and become a better person. But man this is a boring movie and I would tell anyone to not waste their time on it!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Social Network (2010)

Let the lesson be learned that what you post online will in fact come back to haunt you. Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook found this out the hard way. First off he lost a girlfriend, secondly he lost all of his friends in the end. He was a brilliant computer programmer who took his frustrations out on his relationship problems by creating Facebook.

This movie had a great screenplay, music, and cinematography, as well as good actors. The only downfall this movie had for me was the unnecessary sexual situations (it just felt like filler material).

I give this movie a 5 out of 5

Gnomeo and Juliet (2011)

I am not sure how many versions of Romeo and Juliet I have seen, so I was not thrilled when Millie told me that we were taking the kids to see this movie for family movie night (normally we rent movies for this activity, but they did extra chores to warrant the night out). We went to the $3.00 movies so I figured it was not that big of a loss.

With all of that being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie from start to finish. There were plenty of funny references for the kids and adults alike. I especially loved the use of Elton John music throughout (he was the executive producer), and the subtle references to other movies such as The Graduate, and Brokeback Mountain.

As cartoons go this was enjoyable 4 out of 5. This will not make my top list, but I will stop and watch it if it is ever on TV.

The Asphalt Jungle (1950)

I added this movie to my NF instant queue because I saw it was a John Huston directed "NOIR" film nominated for four Oscars, and the fact that it was a heist film. I LOVE any kind of heist film, I have probably seen almost every heist films I have ever come across that isn't rated R. I don't even care if the bad guys get caught or get away, I just like those types of movies.

I had not idea Marilyn Monroe was in this film until she appeared in a scene about 30 min into the movie. She doesn't have a big part, maybe 10 minutes total she is on screen. This movie was made the same year that MM had a bit part in "All About Eve". So she really wasn't a start yet, but you could sure tell in this movie that she was headed that way, just something about her.

The movie was okay- I will give it 3 stars. Some good acting and some not so good acting. I liked the ending. I would only watch this if you like heist films or NOIR films. I thought it was cool that I recognized a young James Whitmore (he plays the old man in Shawshank Redemption), after reading about him on IMDB I found out he was nominated for two academy awards during his career, I never knew that.

As with any heist film, best laid plans go South when something goes wrong during the execution of the heist, although this one was not predictable.