Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Wrong Man (1956)

This is a different kind of Hitchcock film, everything in the film actually happened in real life to a a real couple in New York in 1935. Nothing was made up. Henry Fonda and Vera Miles (Miles is actually sitll alive today) pull off great roles. I learned from watching the special features on the DVD that Alfred Hitchcock took this movie so serious, he did not do his routine cameo appearance in the film. He wrote out every scene on story boards before they started production. He cared a lot about this movie.

If you ask 100 35-year-old men in America to watch this movie today, I would say only 5% would give this movie a thumbs up. I am one of those men. The reason is I don't need fast action in a movie, language, nudity, explosions, etc. This is a slow movie where Hitchcock is playing off the characters faces and movements. I love the footage of NY in the 50's- the cars, the buildings, etc. I love how Hitchcock was able to pull a 180 halfway through the film and turn the focus off of Fonda and onto Miles. That is very hard to do, and he did it.

I give this movie 3.5 stars. If it was fiction, and not based on a real story, I would only give the movie 3 stars. If you are a Fonda fan you will like this movie. If you want to see how a character can completley change their behavior halfway through a movie, then focus on Miles. She did a great job.

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