Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Caine Mutiny (1954)

This movie is in color which really suprised me. I had to see this one because I really have gotten into Humphrey Bogart movies this past year. He did not dissapoint me. What I liked about this one is how it is different than other mutiny movies. Most are about a corrupt and power hungry skipper that the crew takes over- this one is about a man who served his country well, became the captain, and then started to suffer from paranoia. There are some recognizable faces, but a lot of new ones for me in this one.

The movie is great for showing the audience that some decisoins are difficult to make, even if they are right. And you have to follow your gut even if it means getting in trouble. The last 5 min of the movie just makes for a fantastic ending. I thought it was over, but they added some really cool stuff that left you thinking. 3.5 stars for me.

1 comment:

Adam Pfaff said...

I will have to agree with you on this movie. Paranoia, was played well by Bogart. I loved this show when I watched it a few years back.