Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The African Queen (1951)

I intentionally held off watching this film for at least a year. I wanted to watch some of Bogart's, Hepburn's and John Huston's other movies, in hopes to enjoy this film even more after learning about those individuals. This is a spectacular movie for many reasons. 5 stars and absolutely it is going on my top 100 list (I can't remember if it is on yours). I learned a lot from watching the special feature on the DVD "embracing chaos, the making of the african queen". Here are five reasons why I, along with AFI and others, have this movie in my top 100.

1. What Huston pulled off was miraculous. An independent movie company without deep pockets- leaving Hollywood to film a movie onsite in the African Congo. That sort of thing did not happen in 1951. The Communist movement was going on starting in 1947, and many of the actors including Bogart were being listed on the "commy list" and for awhile it was hard for actors to land parts in movies. Huston was able to talk some very prominent writers, producers, etc. to leave California and go shoot on location in Africa- not to mention convince Hepburn and Bogart that they should do the movie.

2. Bogart received an academy award for his role. It was easily in the top 10 roles I have ever seen someone play. Tremendous work.

3. The cinematography and film editing was incredible, especially for 1951. Everything in the movie was believable.

4. The love attraction between the two of the was perfect. It starts out with tension and leads to a real friendship.

5. Hepburn was nominated but did not receive an Oscar, I think she should have, she was fabulous.

1 comment:

Adam Pfaff said...

I was not aware of all of the background story you wrote, fascinating. I like Bogart the best in this film. It was probably the first time he let his height be natural (in other movies he walked around on boxes, so not to appear short). His acting was marvelous. I am not a Hepburn fan (Minus, On Golden Pond); she was too brash of an actress for my taste, but I could defenantly feel the relationship on the screen from these two actors.