Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Irma la Douce - 1963

I wanted to like this comedy so bad- Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine, and directed by Billy Wilder. I have had it on my list to see for several years. There were moments that were just as funny as Some Like it Hot. When Lemmon is in the Police van with all the prostitutes, when he is dancing in the bar, the bar fight, etc. There was even great acting by Lemmon and MacLaine. The problem with this film is that it was 2hrs and 23 min long. Should have been edited down to 1hr 30min. Had it been edited I would give it 4 stars, but as it is I will go with 2.5. I just didn't laugh that much. The film is NR but would be PG-13 for adults themes and situations. The only nudity is it shows MacLaine's bare back about 10 times. Here is what the movie is about. Lemmon is great. He ends up falling for a prostitue and goes to amazing lengths to win her over. "Naive and by the book French police officer Nester Patou, is transferred to the Red Light district. Upon witnessing what must be a brothel, he calls the station and organizes a raid, transporting all the 'ladies' to the jail. This unfortunately disrupts the well organized system of the police and the Pimps union. Not to mention inadvertently netting his station superior at the brothel. Fired, he goes to a bar to drink, is befriended by Irma, beats up her pimp, and finds he is now Irma's new pimp. Nester's doesn't like the thought of his girl seeing other men, so comes up with a plan".

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