Monday, February 13, 2012

Kings Go Forth (1958)

It has been a real challenge to be able to watch any movies in my house because my wife and daughter are addicted to the TV show White Collar. My wife wants me to watch it with her every night. I like it don't get me wrong- I just miss watching my old movies.

This movie was a let down for me- only 2 stars. When I start a movie which stars Fred Astaire, Natalie Wood and Tony Curtis - I am expected to get my money worth- well at least the cost of the microwave popcorn and my monthly netflix fee. I didn't get either one covered with this one.

Curtis and Astaire are both American GI's serving over in France during WW2. They both fall for the same girl- an American who has lived in France her whole life (Wood). Wood eventually reveals that her deceased father was a negro. (wouldn't her skin be dark? give me a break Hollywood). The men must decide if they can live with a women who is half negro.

The show is about racial tension and I understand given the year it was made why it was such a great topic- but seriously it really didn't develop into anything of note. If you want to watch a real racial tension movie go watch In the Heat of the Night. Don't waste your time on this one unless you are a huge Astaire fan- he is the only one of the 3 that put up a noteworthy performance.

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