Monday, February 27, 2012

The Help

I see this movie for what it was- an excellent performance by Emma Stone, Viola Davis, & Allison Janney (who was discovered by Paul Newman BTW). I did not like Bryce Howard as an actress as she played Hilda Hollbrock. (Bryce is Ron Howards daugher)

I held off watching this movie for the same reason I haven't seen Kings Speech yet. I have a hard time enjoying movies that are over hyped.

I felt that given the time period the director chose (1960 & 61) it would have been a better movie to focus on some other elements that come from racial tension and hierarchy. I felt the movie shifted to focus on humor and getting revenge on the elite upper crust of white people (eating the crap cake).

With that being said the script was great and I give this movie 3 solid stars.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Being Elmo (2011)

I have always enjoyed the Muppet characters, and have admired how they are portrayed by the puppeteers. I have not gone as far as the puppeteer in this documentary, but Kevin Clash (Elmo) exemplifies what it means to have a dream and to obtain it. This is a wonderful documentary that will lighten your day and put a smile on your face.  4 stars

Big Miracle (2012)

As we were walking out of the theater I mentioned to my wife how strange it was to see a story from my youth being dramatized for the big screen.  I remember the newscasts of the three stranded whales up in Alaska back in 1988.  I can vividly remember the indigenous tribes digging holes in the ice to lead the whales to the ocean, and how the Russian ice breakers had to come and break down ice walls to help.

The was a family friendly movie, with some longer dialogues that might not entertain the young ones, but it is a fun story to share with them.  /My wife and I both agreed that Drew Barrymore was out least favorite actor in this show; she felt as though she was over-playing her role and it became distracting to us as viewers.

This is a feel good movie worth 3 1/2 stars; watch at the end of the show when they show real footage and images from the actual event. (Oh, and by the way, I am deathy affraid of whales :) )

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Savannah Smiles - 1982

I love this movie and I had to show it to my kids so I borrowed it from someone at work. Sad that the main actress (the little girl) grows up to be a druggie and overdoses at age 21. I love the movie for many reasons but probably #1 is that it was shot entirely in Utah and I love to see the different parts of SL and Utah County in the movie. 4 stars for me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kansas City Confidential - 1952

IMDB summarizes this movie as follows- "A down-on-his-luck ex-GI finds himself framed for an armored car robbery. When he's finally released for lack of evidence--after having been beaten up and tortured by the police--he sets out to discover who set him up, and why. The trail leads him into Mexico and a web of hired killers and corrupt cops."

The only thing I would add to that is the film noir movie has a great script but for some reasons runs really slow. There are a few recognizable B actors from that time that do an okay job in this one, but I wouldn't waste my time. 2.5 stars. Not really a heist movie, more of a revenge movie.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Star Wars - The Phantom Menace 3-D (2012)

This show was not worth the 3-D conversion...for me it made the graphics look too cartoonish.  My boys loved it, but for me it was lame.

Magic Town (1947)

Rip Smith (James Stewart) is a statistician in New York that is looking for a magic town that will represent all of the opinions of the United States.  He wants to do this so that he can take on more surveys and earn more money.  Coincidentally he stumble upon Grandview that is statistically of the opinion of the entire US.  Upon setting up his ploy in this town he comes across the local know-it-all citizen Mary Peterman (Jane Wyman).  Soon the romantic frustration begins, but not long after that Rip begins to fit into the town, even becoming the boys basketball coach.  Well, his cover gets blown, and now everyone in America wants to come and live in Grandview.  To make the story short, this becomes a bad experience, but in the end it all works out and everyone lives happily ever after...I am not sure if you can tell that I lost interest in this movie about half way through.  The first half of this show was promising and entertaining, but then it becomes too predictable.  It is an OK watch but only worth about 2 stars.  I cannot find a trailer, but you can watch the whole show on

The Double - 2011

a 2 star movie starring Topher Grace (that 70s show) and Richard Gere.

I can't really say much about the movie as it will spoil it for you in case you ever watch it. It is intense and sort of fun but my wife and I thought it wasn't that great. I stared a 3.5 hour movie starring Audrey Hepburn and Henry Fonda called War and Peace. I don't think I am going to make it- it is boring.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Kings Go Forth (1958)

It has been a real challenge to be able to watch any movies in my house because my wife and daughter are addicted to the TV show White Collar. My wife wants me to watch it with her every night. I like it don't get me wrong- I just miss watching my old movies.

This movie was a let down for me- only 2 stars. When I start a movie which stars Fred Astaire, Natalie Wood and Tony Curtis - I am expected to get my money worth- well at least the cost of the microwave popcorn and my monthly netflix fee. I didn't get either one covered with this one.

Curtis and Astaire are both American GI's serving over in France during WW2. They both fall for the same girl- an American who has lived in France her whole life (Wood). Wood eventually reveals that her deceased father was a negro. (wouldn't her skin be dark? give me a break Hollywood). The men must decide if they can live with a women who is half negro.

The show is about racial tension and I understand given the year it was made why it was such a great topic- but seriously it really didn't develop into anything of note. If you want to watch a real racial tension movie go watch In the Heat of the Night. Don't waste your time on this one unless you are a huge Astaire fan- he is the only one of the 3 that put up a noteworthy performance.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Anniversary

We are coming up on the one year anniversary of this blog, and we have seen almost 200 films.

Hombre (1967)

I realize that you have seen this movie, but I just wanted to throw my two cents into the conversation. Paul Newman was fabulous in this roll; he was able to portray his character through a lot of long stares and no dialogue. The roll was made for him. It felt as though he was the only real actor int he show and everyone else was just moving around him. That is not to take away from the others in the show, but for me he was the show. Not unlike other films from this time period, I did not like how the show ended because it was not happy. Yes, I am a sucker for happy endings, but during this period it was not the style. I would give this movie a solid 4 out of 5 stars.

Friday, February 3, 2012

99 River Street - 1953

The wonderful winds of last night led me to a night of no sleep- but don't feel bad - I ran into a lovely noir film that I just loved.

John Payne plays washed up boxer Ernie Driscoll, and Erine has a problem on his hands. The wife he married is not content with who he has become - a nobody. She wanted to marry a prize fighter not a taxi cab driver.

Erine married Pauline because he loved her, and he is now realizing that she married him for other reasons. The actress playing Pauline is a lady named Peggie Castle. (She was not only very attractive but a pretty good actress. I was really surprised I had never seen her in other movies before since I have been watching a lot of Noir stuff lately. IMDB info on her is that she never made it past B films and died due to becoming an alcoholic in her 40's.)

Back to the story- Pauline is cheating on Ernie and Ernie finds out the hard way- by seeing something he wasn't supposed to see. He then needs the help from an acquataince whom he barely knows at all named Linda James. (Linda is played by Evelyn Keyes- most known for her several marriages to Hollywood icons including John Huston, as well as her role in Gone with the Wind. Linda is the star of the show I was absolutely blown away by her acting abilities. Unbelievable.)

Evelyn and Ernie end up working together to figure out who killed Erinie's wife Pauline, and a bunch of other mysteries. Loved this movie. It never lets down. 4 stars and maybe even 5 stars.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Quiet Man (1954)

I found myself sitting in the middle of a lull in the conversation at a birthday party for Millie's grandpa, so I asked everyone what their favorite movie was. Almost every person in the room listed a movie that stared John Wayne, so my desire to find a good movie to watch was not looking too good. I should have understood this before I asked the question, that everyone in the room grew up admiring his "American" way of life. Fortunately they also listed some good musicals that I have seen, but I was quickly getting discouraged that I was not going to get any good ideas. Quietly, out of the corner of the room Millie's grandma said that her favorite movie was The Quiet Man. Instantly I felt horrible that I had just been trashing all John Wayne movies. Humbly (and humiliated) I told her that I had never seen the movie; she then offered to let me borrow it. Begrudgingly I took the movie and promised that I would watch it. Boy, would my mind soon change. First off, I have enjoyed many John Ford movies, and the fact that Maureen O'Hara was in it was not a bad start either. Suprisingly John Wayne gave an atypical performance. As a retired American boxer he returns to his families home land of Ireland with the desire to purchase the old family property. The beautiful movie developes and he falls in love with Maureen's character, but that is where the drama begins because her brother does not like John Wayne. The locals play an active roll in being match makers, to the delight of the audiance. The music and scenery are wonderful!! Watch for the famous kissing scene between Wayne and O'Hara which was used in ET. I am embarrased to say this but I truly enjoyed this movie, and have since added it near the bottom of my list. This is a family friendly movie, and is worth seeing just for the beauty of the landscapes.