Monday, January 9, 2012

Let's Make Love (1960)

I have put off watching this MM movie because of the name of the film. After I read the reviews I decided to watch it. The name of the film comes from the theatrical show that is being put on during the movie- a show within a show.

This is one of MM's last movies she made before her suicide and she did not disappoint me.

French actor Yves Montand stars as billionaire Jean-Marc Clement, a fourth generation billionaire who like those before him inherited his money by name alone. He is a playboy and is in love with how he is. He finds out that a local off broadway theatre company is putting on a show about him - and it is not going to be kind to him. The show will expose him for the louse he is and poke fun at his romancing ways, hence the name of the movie "lets make love". The play is written to make fun of the billionaire and show New Yorkers that all he cares about is women.

Jean-Marc Clement decides to go and see a rehearsal and maybe use $ to shut down the entire operation. Instead he sees MM (who plays actress Amanda Dell) rehearsing and absolutely falls head over heels for her. He approaches her and tells her that he is in fact Jean-Marc. MM says something like "oh I like that, you are getting into character". He cannot seem to convince her that he is not an actor auditioning for the Jean-Marc role, but he is Jean-Marc himself. When MM goes on to say here is how the real Jean-Marc would act he realizes that she would never go for him because she thinks the real Jean-Marc is a jerk.

The rest of the movie is a fun musical comedy where Jean-Marc will do anything he can to win MM over. I love the fake name he choses for himself "Alexander Dumas". MM who is working on her GED says "didn't he write 3 muskateers". Funny stuff.

3 stars for me.

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