Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Apartment (1960)

Jack Lemmon is one of the best comedic actors of all time. Shirley MacLaine is a mesmerizing actress. Perhaps that is what lead to my grandiose expectations of this pic, along with the fact it was nominated for 10 Oscars, and won 5 of them! The film never came around to me, and I am left feeling that I just watched a 2.5 star show.

The movie is a satire, and really pokes fun at the working class- you know all of us 9 to 5ers. There are a couple of lines that made me laugh- things like "how stupid could I be, I should never wear mascara when I am with a married man (this is said as MacLaine is crying an her mascara is running), "My husband is 5'2'' and 99 pounds, kind of like a cute chihuahua".

I struggled with the concept of this script being turned into a motion picture. To me it was a great stage play and nothing more. There isn't enough depth for it to be a 2 hour movie. Everything is predictable, even the humor. The support cast is awful- especially Fred MacMurray's role, which was a big role and he had way too much screen time! Lemmon was solid and MacLaine was the shows star in my opinoin. I was hoping to add this one to my top 100 list but it wasn't even close. Sorry Lemmon, maybe next time. R.I.P.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Le Mans (1971)

BORING.... unless you are a race car driver. Very little dialogue. I only watched it for Steve McQueen. 1 star.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2

I loved the first one, and I loved this one even more.

The China Syndrome (1979)

Jack Lemon, Jane Fonda, Michael Douglas, and Wilford Brimley. Jack Goddell (Lemon) works as a shift manager at the local nuclear power plant. Kimberly Wells (Fonda) is an up and coming news reporter who is touring the plant one day. While watching the activities in the control room a tremor in the earth happens. They were forbidden to take video of the control room at all, but Richard Adams (Douglas) the cameraman secretly takes video of the reactions after the “accident”. Quickly this movie turns very anti-nuclear power, but the movie stayed interesting for me.
Goddell tries to convince his higher authorities at the plant that the plant is not safe to restart because the pumps are not working properly. In an effort to get the word out Wells decides to help him. I cannot say too much about the movie without giving too much of it away.
I loved the use of silence during tense and stressful times, this was done very artfully. Lemon and Fonda were very good in this, but I had issues with Douglas simply because he played too many rolls in creating this film and he pushed the anti agenda of the movie. For me this is a solid 4 star movie, for the period it was tense enough to make it a good thriller. I have heard many people compare this to the Poseidon Adventure in the level of suspense, but this was far better. Worth watching once.

The Front Page (1974)

Jack Lemon, Walter Matthau, Carol Burnett, Susan Sarandon, all play major roles in this dark comedy about a newspaper reporter (Lemon) who falls in love (Sarandon) and decides to leave the business. The problem is that the Editor to the paper (Matthau) will not let him leave before he covers the execution that is taking place that day. There are plenty of funny twists and turns, but this movie is full of language and dark comedy. This is probably my least favorite Carol Burnett film. The one magical aspect of this movie is that you can really feel the friendship between Lemon and Matthau even though they are yelling at each other. 2 stars, it is good if you can catch it on TV but don’t waste your time waiting to see it.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Conversation (1974)

After watching this movie I had to smoke a cigarette so that I could calm down enough to go to sleep. Wow. I have never been on drugs, but this movie made me feel like I was tripping during the last 30 min of the movie. More on that later...

At the end of this month I will be cancelling my netflix instant streaming. So I wanted to find a couple of more instant movies to watch. I came across this Francis Ford Coppola thriller starring Gene Hackman, Harrison Ford, Allan Garfield, Robert Duvall, Teri Garr. That is a little misleading because Garr and Duvall have very small roles. Ford was not a superstar in 1974 but does a great job in his role.

Hackman plays Harry Caul- a man who is socially backwards but is the nations leading private deductive and wiretapper. He can listen to anyone's conversation, anywhere. He is the best and people pay him big money to find out information they need. Put him in a social setting and he is completely lost and has a hard time talking to humans. Just let him tap your phone, then he is comfortable.

The musical score is incredible. The movie is slow and really helps the viewer see what a meticulous man Caul is. Don't touch his stuff, don't question him, just let him work. I don't know if this is really a thriller, it is just a weird movie with some cool scenes. As for the drug reference, the last 30 min is so weird that I was really feeling the twilight zone. 2.5 stars for me and not recommended. By the way- did Hackman ever have hair? My goodness the guy was bald in his 30s.

John Cazale has a role in this movie and died shortly after. He was in a relationship with Meryl Streep at the time of his death but they were not engaged yet.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Conspirator - 2010

There are a lot of things that make me want to root for this film.

1. I believe that the American Film Company was started by Redford, but I could be wrong. Either way it is not one of the big ones, and I love to cheer on the underdog. With a limited budget they were able to pull off a very realistic time piece film.

2. The costumes and props were excellent. I loved the courtroom and how they had light coming through the windows showing dust and dirt in the air. I loved the shots of the towns and seeing what they would look like in the 1860's.

3. Although I liked the actors I had the same problem you did- Robin Wright, Kevin Kline, Tom Wilkinson, Justin Long, and James McAvoy all were very familiar faces and as I was watching the movie I pictured them in other movies which was distracting.

4. I loved the last scene- they really did a nice job setting up the ending of the movie.

I give it 4 solid stars but this will not by on my top 100. I know it made yours and thank you for recommending this movie to me, I really enjoyed it. I think Redford was teaching us more than just what happened to Lincoln. the message to me was loud and clear- when the government wants something they make sure they get it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Suspicion (1941)

Cary Grant and the stunningly beautiful Joan Fontaine star in this Alfred Hitchcock film. Only 2 stars for me. Grant is his usual self, but this one just isn't one of Hitchcock's better films.

Joan falls head over heals for Grant and they elope just days after meeting. She soon finds out that she has married a gambler, liar, and potential killer. He is lazy, doesn't hold a job, and can talk his way out of anything. Or is she just imagining that he is a killer?

Friday, August 12, 2011

I can't wait to see the conspirator, you have it on your top 100 list and it comes out on DVD next week, I have it at the top of my queue.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rachel Rachel (1968)

Joanne Woodward was nominated for an Oscar in this Paul Newman directed film. It has been on my list of movies to watch for about 5 years.

The movie is about a 35 year old single female who teaches Elementary School in New England (Connecticut). Woodward plays this teacher. Her life is about serving her aging mother. Nothing else happens. Boring days followed by more boring days. One day an old school mate comes into town and tries to get Woodward to do something fun for a change. Woodward's character is not only a virgin, she has probably never even kissed a boy before. Her role is one of the most devoted homebody's you would ever meet. She wouldn't dare do anything for herself, just help her mother.

Of course she decides to try new things, and that is really what this movie is about. Can somebody that desolute actually change their lives? The movie moves very slow and although I liked the cinematography, I felt the script was just okay and the movie was very slow at times. Just 2.5 stars for this Newman fan.

comment on forutne cookie

those two are great together- they were best friends in life and are actually buried next to each other in California. How did you watch that movie- it is not on Netflix. Up next for me is an Alfred Hitchcok movie staring Cary Grant called Suspicion. Then it is The Apartment with Jack Lemmon and Shirley Maclaine. A movie I have started before but never finished.

The Fortune Cookie (1966)

Harry Hinkle (Jack Lemon) operates a TV camera for CBS. While filming a play at the Cleveland Browns football game he gets hit and knocked over on the sidelines by Boom Boom Jackson. The hit and subsequent fall causes him to get a mild concussion, but his greasy brother-in-law Willie Gingrich (Walter Matthau) sees the silver lining in this injury, and trumps up a lawsuit against the stadium, the Cleveland Browns, and CBS in the amount of 1 million dollars.

Harry reluctantly goes along with the scheme; he pretends to have crushed vertebrae, double vision, lose of dexterity, etc. The antics and tom-foolery that follows is a treat for the viewer. This is not a great movie, but it is fun to watch. Watch for a young William Christopher (Father Mulchahy from MASH) playing a doctor.

Jack Lemon and Walter Matthau stared in 11 roles together and I have not been disappointed with any of them. Matthau deservedly won his only Oscar for his role in this film.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Soul Surfer (2010)

Watched this with my kids last night, a great message for kids but very boring for adults. Helen Hunt is a horrible actress.

Mad Men

I am really into this TV series right now; all four seasons are on Netflix right now, so I am not watching many movies right now.

Up next for me is Fortune Cookie.

Jeremiah Johnson (1972)

I have started this movie several times but could never get very far into it before I lost all interest in finishing it. This time I was determined to complete the film, and boy am I mixed up inside about this movie.

For me, I enjoyed watching the development of the man, as he became a real mountain man. However, I feel that the show jumped the shark when the rescue party showed up seeking his help. The movie fell off of a cliff and became a 1970s montage of confusion after that. I loved the first half of this show and hated the second half.

This will not make it onto my list, but I do appreciate how much of an effort Robert Redford made in this role. I heard one time that this was the physically hardest movie he was ever in, and it shows, Bravo for that!!! 1 ½ stars

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Prize (1963)

I made it to film #55 on my quest to watch all of Paul Newman's movies. This one was exremley hard to find. Somebody finally loaded it on youtube, I had to pay $3 to watch it but who cares. I only have 6 more movies to go.

This is an Alfred Hitchcock type movie staring Paul Newman, and older Edward G. Robinson, and a very attractive Elke Sommer (this is the first film I have ever seen of hers).

The setting is Stockholm Sweden. The rich and famous have gathered for the annual presentation of the worldly nobel prizes in many categories- literature, medicine, etc. Newman plays a drunk nobel prize winner who starts to investigate a murder and some espinoge. It feels like a film noor movie, especially with Edward Robinson. I give it 2.5 stars.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tonight, Jeremiah Johnson

Taking Chance (2009)

This is a true story.

Lt. Col. Michael Strobl (played by Kevin Bacon) is a cubical desk jockey for the Marines in 2004. He served during the original Desert Storm, but is sitting this war out in the form of a more administrative role. Each night he views the death/casualty report online to see if he recognizes any of the names. One evening he runs across the name of PFC Chance Phelps, who is from Strobl’s hometown in Colorado.

Strobl volunteers to escort the body of Chance’s home to Wyoming (Where his parents now reside). This movie is beautifully made, and shows the entire process of getting a soldier home to their loved ones. There is nothing graphic or disturbing about this short movie (78 minutes), but be prepared to cry.

It is beautiful how much respect others will pay when they realize that the ultimate sacrifice has been made. This was a 5 star movie for me, and is worth the watch. It is an HBO film like Temple Grandin and John Adams so it is well made.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The African Queen (1951)

I intentionally held off watching this film for at least a year. I wanted to watch some of Bogart's, Hepburn's and John Huston's other movies, in hopes to enjoy this film even more after learning about those individuals. This is a spectacular movie for many reasons. 5 stars and absolutely it is going on my top 100 list (I can't remember if it is on yours). I learned a lot from watching the special feature on the DVD "embracing chaos, the making of the african queen". Here are five reasons why I, along with AFI and others, have this movie in my top 100.

1. What Huston pulled off was miraculous. An independent movie company without deep pockets- leaving Hollywood to film a movie onsite in the African Congo. That sort of thing did not happen in 1951. The Communist movement was going on starting in 1947, and many of the actors including Bogart were being listed on the "commy list" and for awhile it was hard for actors to land parts in movies. Huston was able to talk some very prominent writers, producers, etc. to leave California and go shoot on location in Africa- not to mention convince Hepburn and Bogart that they should do the movie.

2. Bogart received an academy award for his role. It was easily in the top 10 roles I have ever seen someone play. Tremendous work.

3. The cinematography and film editing was incredible, especially for 1951. Everything in the movie was believable.

4. The love attraction between the two of the was perfect. It starts out with tension and leads to a real friendship.

5. Hepburn was nominated but did not receive an Oscar, I think she should have, she was fabulous.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger

I just want to preface that I have enjoyed all of the Marvel comic book movies, so it was a must for me to see this film (especially with the coming of The Avengers in 2012).

Young Steve Rogers tries several times to enlist in the military during WWII, but due to his size and persistant illnesses he is deemed 4F each time. Finally he is given a chance, and shows that he has the heart of a soldier, just not he body. A American-German scientist was asked by the Army to create super soldiers who could regenerate their injured cells, and who had super strength. Well, obviously Steve is selected to take part in the experement, and to make a long story short becomes the only super soldier for the US.

He goes to war, saves some people, fights a villan, and saves the world...Duh!!!

Like all other Marvel movies I enjoy how they take the time to develope the characters so you understand where they are coming from emotionally. The development worked for me, but they really had a hard time finding an end to this story which caused it to only be a generous 2 star movie for me.

The last perk to the movie was staying through the credits to see a trailer for the upcomming film, The Avengers.

Here is the link to the imdb page for this movie.