Sunday, July 21, 2013

Rambo: First Bood II (1985)

We find John at the beginning of this movie doing hard labor in a rock quarry for the crimes he committed against society. He seems at ease because he knows what is expected of him and there is a routine. Col. Trautman shows up to offer him a new mission with a possible commuting of his sentence if the mission is accomplished. The mission is go back to the jungles of Vietnam and find POWs. Rambo accepts the mission; let the laughter begin. Really? Could they make the jungle look more like a local plant store with its lights out? Could he make anymore noise breaking into the POW camp? Could the government entity "supporting" his mission look more thuggish? I must admit there were some cool Special Forces scenes, especially when he was covered in mud. It was cool also when this potential chick flick found the heroin being shot to death moments after swapping spit with Rambo. This show was predictable from the opening credits, but I must give it props because it was better than the first movie. To make a long movie short, he rescues the POWs, beats up the thugs, and prepares the audience for a third installment. Ugh...too melodramatic.

1 comment:

Ryan Lambert said...

You have to stop wasting your time on this Rambo crap.