Sunday, December 2, 2012

Follow Me Boys (1966)

I was in the Boy Scout office the other day (I am the Cub Master), and I saw that they were selling this DVD there, so I thought I would try it out for kicks and giggles. I found it over at the library, and have been singing the main song for about a week now. Lem (Fred MacMurray) is a saxophone player in a traveling jazz band, who is studying law, and looking for a honest job and place to settle down. He finds that place and becomes a store clerk in a sleepy little town. Soon he gets eyes for a young lady in town and will do anything to get her attention. To his chagrin he must become a Scout Master for a bunch of rag-tag boys to get that attention. He takes these boys and forms them into a marching, camping group of scouts. Over time he marries, adopts one of these boys, and remains the scout master for the next thirty years. This story covers all of those years, and we get a brief history on about three of those troops. I found this movie to be entertaining and enjoyable to watch with my two cub scout aged boys. It will not make any list for me, but it was a fun Disney watch. My only grief with the show as that it was a bit too long, much like many of the Disney movies from that era.

1 comment:

Ryan Lambert said...

I have seen this movie 2 times- 2 stars for me.