Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Houdini - 1951

Tony Curtis teams up with his wife at that time (Janet Leigh) to play perhaps one of the hardest roles of his career- Harry Houdini. It is sad that Curtis and Leigh learned all the magical stunts from real magicians and performed them by themselves. Everytime I see Leigh in a movie all I can think about is Pyscho! but this role fit her talents I think. Wonderful color and sets for a 50's movie and overall I was pleasantly suprised. 3.5 stars. I loved learning about Houdini's life and I did some fact checking after the movie to see if it was factual- and the director did a pretty good job of making the movie a true biography of Houdini's life. Not sure the rating- but it is G. No swearing or anything. I cannot find a trailer for this one. If you have instant NF I would recommend this show. There is something fun and innocent about this movie it that really makes it worth your time. Houdini had a passion for what he did and he was good at it. Perhaps the underlying message is to have a goal and don't ever stop working towards that goal. Almost a 4 star movie for me actually- I have no problems recommending this show.

Monday, October 29, 2012

My Girlfriend's Boyfriend - 2010

I love to root for the underdog. This is a low budget movie filmed on location in SLC. If you are an Alyssa Milano fan it is worth the 84 min investment to watch this off of instant NF. Most of the other actors are ones you will recognize from the other side of heaven, the best two years, RM, etc. Milano is the one that makes the show. I can't give it more than 3 stars but my wife and I liked it. We liked the twist at the end. Just a cute innocent story. Could be G - but there is some kissing but it could still be G. Jesse (Milano), in a moment of bold self-confidence, introduces herself to Ethan, a struggling writer. And then in walks Troy, and in a moment of bold self-confidence, he introduces himself to Jesse. Jesse falls in love with both men, who happen to have a lot in common but still seem very different. What will happen when Jesse has to tell the truth? Both my wife and I agreed- Milano at 40 years old is still very attractive. She has aged well.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Picnic - 1955

This will be my last "old movie" post for awhile. I am cancelling my disc portion of NF. I feel like i have seen every old movie that I want to see. It dissapoints me that I have to watch 8 crappy movies to find one gem. All the movies from the 50's are blending together in my head- they all seem to have the same writing, film sets, premise, etc. The only difference between them is the actors and producers. This film is a C version of East of Eden or Long Hot Summer. The material is just hand me downs from better films. William Holden and Kim Novak are nothing special. 1.5 stars for me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sudden Fear - 1952

This has been in my queue for sometime. Say what you want about Joan Crawford but man that dame can act. the picture and sound quality of this film were horrible but I stuck through it. A younger Jack Palance also did well in this film. After an ambitious actor (Palance) insinuates himself into the life of a wealthy middle-aged playwright (Crawford) and marries her, he plots with his mistress to murder her. I added the show to my queue because the mistress is played by Gloria Grahame and I like her. Just 2 stars but a fun show.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Somewhere in Time (1980)

Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymour team up in this wonderful romantic science fiction show.  Reeves character Richard Collier is an up and coming stage writer who has just debuted a successful show at his college.  While celebrating a elderly Elsie McKenna approaches him, hands him a pocket watch and asks him to return to him.  Eight years later this moment is still playing a major role on his mind, and he is unable to focus on his writing, so he takes a trip to clear his mind and ends up at the Grand Hotel in Michigan (I have actually been to this hotel, but was unaware that is was made famous by this movie).

While waiting for the hotel restaurant to open that evening he walks into the hotel's museum and notices a picture of a stunning woman hanging on the wall.  He is drawn to this picture and begins to do research on her.  To make a long story short, he hypnotizes himself to travel back in time to 1912 to meet her.

Elsie McKenna is played by Jane Seymour, and she is a famous stage actress that is int he Grand Hotel to perform a roll.  McKenna and Collier find each other and a love story begins...I am sure that you have seen this movie, but this is the first time I have seen this, and I enjoyed it completely.  The soundtrack is wonderful, the acting is mediocre, but the story is strikingly romantic.  I will watch this movie again if given the chance. 4 out of 5 stars.

The Living Daylights (1987)

James Bond is tapped to help an assassin escape from Russia and you guessed it, she is beautiful.  I am not sure why I am trying to watch all of the James Bond movies, but I feel that I must as a man.  I can't wait to get to the more modern movies to see if they improve as time goes on.  1.5 stars.

The Man With the Golden Gun (1974)

This is the second time that Roger Moore makes his appearance as James Bond in the ninth film of the series.  This time around he is not after a cold war villain but a ruthless killer who hunts victims for sport.  M16 receives a bullet in the mail with 007 imprinted on the side and they decide to take Bond out of the field until this killer is capture.  This does not deter Bond from going out and hunting this guy down himself.  UUHHGGG just rehashing the plot of this movie makes me want to vomit.  LAME and not worth of the Bond franchise.  Christopher Lee was the villain, but still not worth the watch.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Notorious Landlady - 1962

Jack Lemmon, Kim Novak, and Fred Astaire... what's not to like? Well actually everything. Not even one star. 1/2 star just because I can't give Jack anything less. What a mess of a movie. Nothing ties together, horrible directing, horrible acting, what a joke.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Clue - 1985

I watched this with my wife- she had never seen it. I watched it about 15 times as a kid because it was one of the only VHS tapes that was at my friends house and I slept over at his house many times as a kid. I always thought the movie was based off the board game CLUE- but my wife said the movie was very similar to "And then there were none" written by Agatha Christie.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Battleship (2012)

Really?!!?  Why?!?  This movie was a rehash of Independence Day, but a lot dumber.  The movie begins with Hopper being a bum, with a deadend life ahead of him.  His brother forces him to join the Navy to straighten out his life, and to give himself a future.  So far the movie is harmless.  However, we have been sending signals to an alien planet in an effort to communicate with them, and they are angry.  One day while the world Naval powers have gathered in Pearl Harbor to practice tactics these aliens arrive to destroy us.  The bum turned Naval Officer is now in charge and saves the world.  LAME...the only thing I found amusing was the bullits that the aliens were shooting looked like the game pieces from Battleship.  1 star, a must miss.