Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Forks over Knives - 2011

This is a food documentary that I watched last night while doing my ironing. Some physicians I work with have told me about the book "the china study", and this documentary talks a lot about that study - which went on for 10 years. The premis for the film is basically this- if you eat a plant based diet and eliminate meat and dairy products- you will signficantly reduce your chances of forming cancer, and even overcome cancer in some cases. If you eat a diet based on meat, eggs and dairy- you may end end up with high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. I liked the show. I stoped eating red meat and pork 2 years ago. I still eat chicken, turkey and seafood. This movie didn't convince me enough to give that up- along with dairy. Maybe I like that stuff too much. I can say this- I do not miss eating red meat or pork at all. I don't even crave it. The movie also talks about how bad sugar and caffeine is for us. No suprise here. I am happy to say I have never had an energy drink (red bull, etc.) and I don't ever plan on having one. I would have a really hard time cutting out sugar but I can say I rarely drink pop or juices.

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