Friday, March 16, 2012

Duck Soup (1933)

Rufus Firefly (Groucho Marx) is called upon to be the new ruler of the ficticious country of Freedonia. It does not take long for him to declare war on the neighboring country of Slyvania due to affection of a woman. They go to war. There you have it the long and short of the movie. This is concidered by many movie historians to be a classic film; it is on the AFI top 100 list. I have never been a huge Marx brothers fan, simply because I did not grow up in the era of their humor. Their skits come across as more atune for radio and Vaudville. If you go into this movie with simplisity in mind, it will work for you. I watched this with my ten year old son and he was laughing all the way through it. I personally enjoyed the mirror scene; let me set this up for you. Two of the Marx brothers are spies and have disguised themselves as Rufus, and shortly find themsleves in this mirror predicament. This movie is a simple, fun watch, and helps to establish some pop culture references for other movies.

1 comment:

Ryan Lambert said...

that was a great clip