Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hugo (2011)

The majority of this movie takes place in the train station in Paris France during the early 1930s. This is where we find young Hugo Cabret who lives in the hidden passages of the station, while taking care of the many clocks at the station. All the while he is dodging the watchful eye of the station police officer, played by Sacha Baron Cohen. In an effort not to give too much of the plot away, Hugo befriend the god daughter of the stations toy shop owner. With her help, Hugo and Isabelle bring back to life a automaton. This particular automaton (robot of sorts) writes and draws. I just do not want to give too much away, but before you watch this show familiarize yourself with the many works of Georges Melies. Director Martin Scorsese walks a delicate balance between story and art with this film, and to tell you the truth he losses a few times. Do not get me wrong this movie is very beautiful to look at, but that beauty sometimes overshadows the story. This will not make my list but I will highly recommend it with 4 ½ stars.

1 comment:

Ryan Lambert said...

I still remember Ben Kingsley from his role of Cosmo in Sneakers.