Monday, February 28, 2011

2011 Academy Awards - Best Picture, The King's Speech

I believe that The King's Speech will become an instant classic...a movie that everyone should see, it is brilliant and well made. The acting from Collin Firth, Helena Bohnam-Carter, and Jeffery Rush was marvelous, and well desirving of the nominations and win for Best Actor Collin.

This was a stand-up and cheer movie, 5 out of 5 stars, this will be in my top ten

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Woman in the Window

Wow!! What a well acted lame movie, with an incredible ending. If it were not for the good ending it would not have deserved the 3 out of 5 rating.

True Grit 1969 versus 2010

The story of young Mattie Ross seeking to avenge the murder of her father, hires Rooster Cogburn to help her hunt down the murderer. Both the 1969 and 2010 versions follow this story line, but it is amazing how they each have very disticnt feelings when it comes to emotions that were portraied on the screen. The 1969 version felt more like a 'Little House on the Prarie' episode, while the 2010 version felt very much like a true Coen Brothers film.

Rooster CogburnJohn Wayne vs. Jeff Bridges; The Duke vs. The Dude. For me it was apples and oranges because they both played the part well. The Duke was a lovable druken marshall, while the dude was more of a artist of debauchary; both hard hearted caring individuals. John Wayne won his only Oscar for his portrayal of Rooster, and I feel it was wel diserved. Jeff Bridges does deserve a Oscar for his portrayal; he is a true artist when it comes to acting. In the end I enjoyed both of their performances.


Mattie Ross played by Kim Darby (1969) and Hailee Steinfeld was a comletely different story. Kim played it with such a strong feminist movement tone that I was turned off; that is not to say that she acted ok, she just was coached by the wrong people. On the other hand Hailee (a new comer to acting) gave such a staunch performance I wanted to stand up and cheer for her. I look forward to seeing her acting career take-off.

Winner Hailee

La Boeuf played by Glen Campbell and Matt Damon. Yes you read that right Glen Campbell. Enough said...well, maybe one jab...he should stick to singing. Matt Damon was amazing in this role, in fact most of the movie I saw the character and not Matt

Winner Matt

Supporting Cast - Robert Duvall, Dennis Hopper, Jeremy Slate, Jeff Corey vs. Josh Brolin, Barry Pepper, Paul Ray, Ed Corbin, wow what names for each show! I am torn on this because it was when the supporting cast members showed up that each movie took a different turn. Frankly, I liked the 1969 cast better, because heck they had Robert Duvall and Dennis Hopper, but the 2010 cast was very well acted.


The Coen brothers version followed the book very closely and I like that in a film. Each movie had it pleasing characteristics but in the end I would give the 1969 version 2 out of 5 stars, and the 2010 version 4 out of 5. My only draw back for the 2010 version was the violent turn it took in the dugout, it felt so outside of the tone that was already set for the movie.

Winner 2010

True Grit 1969 Trailer

True Grit 2010 Trailer

Aresenic and Old Lace (1944)

Approach this movie for exactly what it is - a comedy - and you will enjoy this show. Frank Capra pulls off another hit starring Cary Grant and a host of other notable performers. 4 out of 5 stars for me. It won't make it in my top 100, but I did enjoy it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scarlet Street (1945)

I watched this "film noir classic" movie last week. Edward G. Robinson is one of my favorite actors, that is why I watched it. This was the second movie he made with Joan Bennett. I give it 2.5 stars. It was entertaining, but not as good as "The Woman in the Window", which is the first movie they made together. This movie is about how really stupid men are when they are in their 50's and convince themselves that a woman half their age could actually love them for who they are, as opposed to their money.

Paul Newman Tribute

Niagara (1953)

I can't figure out why Marilyn Monroe's movies always come in under my expectation level. Is it because I hear so much about her that it will always be a let down? Is it because her acting ability is overshadowed by her amazing figure? (which is why she is famous) I have watched 5 Marilyn Monroe movies now and I will give all of them 3 stars except for Some Like it Hot which I give 4 stars too. Nothing amazing, nothing too horrible about her movies. The 5 movies of hers I have watched are.... River of No Return, Niagara, How to Marry a Millionaire, All About Eve (this one doesn't count, she has a small role), and Some Like it Hot. Maybe I am not watching the right MM movies to really see why she is such an amazing actress.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

This movie is not going into my top 100 movie list. I think I heard the F word about 50 times in the first hour of the movie. I didn't even finish the entire movie, I almost did. Yes Jack is great, but why is everyone saying this is one of the best movies of all time? Go watch Cool Hand Luke or Shawshank Redemption, which have similar themes, if you want to see a great movie. I give this on 3 stars.

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)

I expect great things when John Ford is directing and John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart are the top billed actors. What a joke. This is a one star movie, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME! I can't believe I watched the whole thing.

The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

This is a period piece that will hit close to home for all war veterans and their families. I understand why this movie won 7 Oscars. I believe it is because of the nostalgic aspect of WHEN it was released. Of course stellar acting helped it along, with some big Hollywood names of that time period. Myrna Loy, Fredric March, Dana Andrews, Teresa Wright and Virginia Mayo. I felt Harold Russell did okay in his role as a double amputee, but not good enough to deserve the Oscar that he won. The characters seemed real to me. The plot was believable. I am still thinking about whether or not this movie makes it into my top 100 movies of all time spreadsheet. My wife watched it with me and she thought it was just okay. I will give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Poseidon Adventure (1972)

The adventure and suspense that takes place on an overturned cruise liner in this 1972 movie falls flat for this viewer. On the boat there was star power aplenty but even Gene Hackman, and Ernest Borgnine were less than impressive in their performances (not to mention how one dimensional Red Buttons was...and the serious tone of Leslie Nielsen). Around the hour and half point they did begin yelling at each other, but by then it was too late and beyond predictable. Tedious and Predictable wrap this movie up nicely. The story had promise but the star power was just flat, and not well developed. 1 1/2 stars

Friday, February 18, 2011

Rules of this blog:

1. No swearing, unless it is in quotations.

2. No nudity!

3. Be respectful of others' opinions. You are allowed to disagree, but it must be
done with respect.

4. Love and share good movies