Saturday, March 9, 2013

Les Miserables (2012)

I do not believe that I have ever gone into a movie with such a lack of enthusiasm, yet anticipation of its outcome.  I had been told that this is a well acted show, and that is what makes it different from the stage productions, so I was prepared for horrible singing.  Frankly, I was not disappointed in that fact, the singing was awful except for a few shining moments.  First, Ann Hathaway was amazing as Fauntine, and was well deserving of the Oscar that she got for that role.  I actually cried during her "I Dreamed A Dream" performance.  The young lady who performed the role of Eponine was an amazing singer, but then again she is in the London production of the show.  Mauriace had a trained voice, and that is where the good singing ends.

Those who could act, could not sing, and those who could sing could not act!!  About half way through the movie I made the comparison of this show to that of reading Shakespeare.  You read it and understand it, but until you see it acted out you don;t really appreciate it.  I have seen the stage production multiple times, and I have read the book twice, but it wasn't until I saw this movie that I truly appreciated what it all meant. 

This is not a great movie, but is worth a watch if you enjoy the story.

1 comment:

Ryan Lambert said...

I will see it at some point