Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Last Time I Saw Archie (1961)

For the first time in several weeks I get a chance to sit down and watch a movie; unfortunately I selected this one for my viewing pleasure. Here is the story of a group of men in the latter part of WWII who are civilian pilots, that really have no purpose for the war effort. To there excitement and resentment they are shuffled into a corner of the US and left to do pretty much nothing for the duration. This "comedy" fell short for me and left me turning it off half way through the show. Dang!!

1 comment:

Ryan Lambert said...

never even heard of it. I was home playing Mr. Mom while my wife was at camp. After I put the kids to bed each night I watched a movie- it was awesome. We had a ton of fun in the day- I would love to be a stay at home dad actually.