Wednesday, April 4, 2012

TrollHunter (2010)

A small group of college students from Norway are doing an expose on the poaching of bears in the surrounding communities. They begin to focus their efforts on a mystreous man who lives in a local trailer park and only goes out at night. One night they decide to follow him, and this desission leads them to the discovery that this man is in fact not a poacher at all but is a troll hunter. Yes you read that right a troll hunter. REluctantly he allows them to follow him around as he hunts trolls; he begins to tell them his story, hoping it will allow for him to get out of the business. This movie had me fromt he very beginning, I was hooked. It was filmed the same way that the Blair Witch Project was filmed, so it gave the sense that this was an actual event taking place, unfortunately they showed us the trolls. Picture the muppets from the Dark Crystal; the very labored movements and unanimated faces. Beyond that draw back I loved this film. I told a co-worker of mine to watch it and he told me today that he turned it off after five minutes. This movie was interesting to me, and it had very beautiful images of the fjords of Norway.

1 comment:

Ryan Lambert said...

even the trailer gave me a headache. I can't watch movies like that where the picture is bouncing all over the place. It looks fun though.