Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Last Man on Earth (1964)

This is a film adaptation of the novel I Am Legend.  Vincent Price plays a scientist who has become immune to the disease that has wiped out the entire human he thinks.  This disease turns the humans into zombies who come out at night looking for food.  He has taken it upon himself to kill and dispose of them during the day, while he is still looking for living humans.  This story intrigued me, but I had to fast forward it to the end just to find out how it ended...boring.  He found some other humans, but could not convince them that he was not a zombie and ended up being killed.  I realize that I just gave you the ending, but trust me, you will want to skip this one.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Snow White and the Huntsman - 2012

This show had a lot going for it- incredible special effects, very good acting from Charlize Theron and her evil brother Finn, and beautiful cinematography.  Unfortunately somebody really screwed up the casting of Kristen Stewart as Snow White.  She was horrible.  She played the same role that she played in Twilight.  Maybe she thought she was shooting a twilight picture?  I mean seriously.  Theron's acting made the movie okay but I really struggled with Stewart.  2 stars.

Friday, September 6, 2013


I didn't like this movie as much as you did.  I struggle with historical films that have 7-8 characters that I recognize from other movies.  I like the non-recognizable actors approach better to these films because then I can really get into them and believe in the moment.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

There Will Be Blood (2007)

I remember all of the hype surrounding this film when it came out.  It was up for 8 Oscars; it took home the best male lead and Cinematography.  To be brutally honest with you, I did not like this show. 
It is based off of the novel "Oil" by Upton Sinclair (He also wrote the much beloved novel, The Jungle).  Daniel Day-Lewis plays a gold prospector Daniel Plainview who is kind of successful in the gold mining, but one day he strikes oil and begins down the road of oil baron.  Early on, one of his minors is killed in a mining accident and leaves a son behind which Daniel takes on as his partner.
Along his way he is buying up lots of land to mine and he runs across the Sunday family with twin boys.  The one twin sells out the family, while the other is focused on becoming a preacher.  As the preacher and Daniels paths cross their lives become conflicted with religion and money, with money and greed ultimately winning out and ruining both of their lives.  This movie is rated R for a cringe worthy murder at the very end of the show.  Day-Lewis's performance was good, but not one of his best in my book.  This movie was an epic that could have been condensed into a 90 minute film.  Not a great movie.